패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 3.9 변형리그 도전과제 공략
패스 오브 엑자일(PoE, Path of Exile) 3.9 변형리그 도전과제, 챌린지(Challenge) 공략
먼저, 챌린지 가이드는 래딧에서 전체 내용을 긁어 왔으며, 원문(영어)에 약간의 첨언만 달았음을 밝힌다.
출처 : https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/ec70t3/metamorph_league_challenges_analysisnewbie_guide/
단축키 H를 누르면 도전과제 탭이 있다. 보통 리그를 달리는 유저들은 도전과제 달성 보상을 목표로 하는 사람들이 많다. 12챌, 24챌, 36챌에 각각 변형 리그 발자국 이펙트, 무기 이펙트, 포탈 이펙트를 주기 때문에 보통 달성목표 컷으로 삼는다. 19챌부터 매 22챌, 25챌 ... 40챌 까지는 은신처를 꾸밀 수 있는 트로피를 주며, 매 3챌마다 단계가 높아질 수록 크고 멋있어진다.
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All this analysis are based on a full time job player experience (spend 4~6 hours on PoE per day)
(40/40) tag means skip this if you're aiming for 36/40 challenges only, which means only wanna get those exclusive MTX skins, don't want the hideout trophy challenges.
Rating Difficulty:
Very Easy: Can be done within a week or day.
Easy: Can be done within a month, or couple of weeks.
Normal: Can be done within around a month or more, and require access end game content to do this.
Hard: Require heavy grinding which requires around 2 or more months of grinding.
Very Hard: Almost impossible to accomplished the challenge within 3 months(default league period)
Grinding here means play time in general, not farming on specific things.
1. Use Currency
화폐 사용
Armourer's Scrap - Can be use to improve your equipment base stats.
방어구 장인의 고철 -
Blacksmith's Whetstone - Can be use to improve your weapon base stats.
대장장이의 숫돌 -
Orb of Alteration- Can be use to reforge your magic item into random mods.
변화의 오브 -
Orb of Augmentation - Can be use to improve magic item with addition mod(prefix/suffix) if there's space for it.
확장의 오브 -
Orb of Chance - Can be use to improve your normal item rarity into magic/rare and even unique(low chance) if you're lucky.
기회의 오브 -
Orb of Transmutation - Can be use to improve your normal item into magic rarity.
진화의 오브
Very Easy. These are basic currencies that can be found very often from monster drops, can improve your gears very drastically at early levels.
2019/06/05 - [공략 (Game Manual)/패스 오브 엑자일] - 패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 화폐(Currency) 오브(Orb) 정리
패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 화폐(Currency) 오브(Orb) 정리
패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 화폐(Currency) 오브(Orb) 정리 poe에는 다른 게임의 골드와 같은 게임 내 화폐가 없다. 대신 아이템 강화, 크래프팅 등에 사용되는 가치있는 소모품들이 화폐 역할을 대신한다...
2. Complete Metamorph Encounters I
변형 인카운터 완료하기 I
Check out ZIGGYD video about metamorph basic mechanic
Very Easy. Is an introduction to new player about the new league mechanic, metamorph.
3. Complete these Quests
퀘스트 완료하기
The Dweller of the Deep - In Act1, kill THE DEEP DWELLER in the Flooded Depths(from the Lower Submerged Passage).
심연의 주인 - 액트1 -
Through Sacred Ground - In Act2, retrieve THE HAND from The Crypt Level 2.
성지를 지나 - 액트2 -
A Swig of Hope - In Act3, retrieve DECANTER SPIRITUS from an Ornate Chest in the Marketplace, then deliver to Captain Fairgraves in The Docks, then retrieve the next item CHITUS' PLUM on a tree in Imperial Gardens, then deliver to him again.
희망 한 모금 - 액트3 -
An Indomitable Spirit - In Act4, free the SPIRIT in The Mines Level 2.
불굴의 혼백 - 액트4 -
In Service to Science - In Act5, retrieve MIASMETER in Control Blocks.
과학에의 맹신 - 액트5
Easy. All of these quest are side quest from Act1 to Act5, mostly have valuable reward such as extra passive points and skill gems, so is worth doing instead of skipping them.
4. Defeat these Act Bosses I
각 장의 보스 물리치기 I
Easy. You'll encounter them as you progressing your journey/quest, these are the first-half of the act bosses, if can't kill just get a party to help.
5. Complete these Encounters I
인카운터 완료하기 I
Defeat a Rogue Exile
탈주 유배자 처치
Is a monster that looks like a player, and they will drop a set of equipment when slained, and can be easily found everywhere.
Defeat a Tormented Spirit
고통받는 혼백 처치
Is a monster that looks like green-ghostly-spirit the roam that will run away from when u near them, also can touch/possesses monster that causing those infected monsters to gain new ability and also drop more loots.
Defeat an Essence Monster
에센스 몬스터 처치
Is a pack of monster that's frozen, player have to click them 3 times to release them, and will drop essences when slained that can be use to craft normal item into rare with 1 gurante mod.
Open an Abyssal Trove
심연의 발견물 열기
Ies from abyss encounter which you'll start encounter them after Act 6 onward. Upon walking over an abyss encounter, a crack will form on the ground, and a small number of monsters will spawn out of it, the crack will expand till end with a pit which spawn more monsters from the pit. After you clear fast enough monster from the pit, it may start a new crack from the pit, OR a abyss chest spawn that drop some item including Abyssal Jewel that can be use on ur passive tree, OR if you're lucky enough an Abyssal Depth will spawn that contain more treasure with greater challenge.
OVERALL: Easy. These are introduction of past-league-mechanic which had been added to the core game for a long time.
6. Complete Metamorph Encounters II
변형 인카운터 완료하기 II
Check out ZIGGYD video about metamorph end game guide
Easy. Combining metamortph samples may effect of the monster difficulty and it's loots. There's 2 ways of getting reward from metamorph, 1st is from their samples reward and then 2nd is from filling the bar for extra reward. And if you manage to fill fully the bar, u can get a unique samples that can be use in Tane Octavius's Lab for even better reward if you manage to beat it.
7. Complete Vendor Recipes
거래 조합 완료하기
Cartographer's Chisel - Vendor a Stone Hammer/Rock Breaker/Gavel with 20% quality, and a map.
지도제작자의 끌 - 쇄석 망치/바위 분쇄기/의사봉 20퀄리티 + 아무 지도 -
Catalyst - Vendor 3 same type of catalyst.
기폭제 - 아무거나 같은 기폭제 3개 -
Chaos Orb - Vendor a full set rare item with their item level between 60 to 74.
카오스 오브 - 아이템레벨 60 ~ 74의 레어 풀세트 -
Gemcutter's Prism - Vendor a set of gems with total of 40% quality.
세공사의 프리즘 - 퀄리티가 있는젬들 퀄리티합계 40%, 또는 20% 퀄리티 젬 -
Hybrid Flask - Vendor an orb of fusing, a life flask, and a mana flask.
하이브리드 플라스크 - 생명력 플라스크 + 마나 플라스크 + 연결의 오브 -
Orb of Chance - Vendor 2 identified rare items with same name(easily obtain from strongbox with mirror mod) OR a full set rare item with their item level 59 below OR 4 kind rarity of a same item(etc:normal,magic,rare,unique amulet)
기회의 오브 - 카오스 오브 레시피에서 한 부위만 아이템 레벨 60 미만으로 넣기 또는 같은 이름의 레어 아이템 2개
Very Easy. Seems they finally bring back the old vendor recipe challenge with some useful recipe! Also a good introduction of vendor recipe to newbies, the best way to get rich easily in PoE. Also for experience player you can skip some of these easily buy using Gilded Fossil crafting.
2019/06/03 - [공략 (Game Manual)/패스 오브 엑자일] - 패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 상점 거래(Vendor Recipe) 정리
패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 상점 거래(Vendor Recipe) 정리
패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 상점 거래(Vendor Recipe) 정리 poe에는 다른게임의 골드와 같은 화폐 시스템이 없다. 대신 화폐 역할을 하는 아이템들이 존재한다. currency라고 부르는데, 가치있는 소모품이..
8. Defeat these Act Bosses II
각 장의 보스 물리치기 II
Easy. You'll encounter them as you progressing your journey/quest, these are the second-half of the act bosses, if can't kill just get a party to help.
9. Build a Map Device
지도 장치 건설하기
You'll obtain the new map device when talking to Officer Kirac in your hideout near your old map device, which he'll spawn after you cleared the quest in Epilogue.
Easy. This challenge is to inform us the old atlas system has been revamped, so does the storyline with a new NPC to guide us.
10장까지 모두 클리어 한 후 NPC 키락과 대화해서 진행
10. Complete these Encounters II
인카운터 완료하기 II
Open a Unique Strongbox - This can be easily found in Obas Cursed Trove unique map, or from Zana's Mission that asked for opening unique strongboxes, or Haku in fortification division can spawn unique strongboxes too. You can also test your lucky by using orb of chance on strongbox and hopping it'll turn unique. NOTE: Only player who touch the box can get the challenge, thus 1ppl per box.
고유 금고 열기 - '오바의 저주받은 전리품' 고유지도나, 자나 임무에서 고유금고 열기가 있는 맵을 선택, 오직 금고를 클릭한 유저 1명만 도전과제가 완료됨 -
Complete a Legion Encounter - Legion is a giant purple crystal that release 2 pack of monster side-by-side. Damaging the enemies while they are in stasis will free them when time resumes, where they can be fought and killed for loot. Legion encounter can only be found in end game map.
군단 인카운터 완료 -
Complete a Betrayal Safehouse - This is part of betrayal league mechanic which you'll start encounter them after Act9 with Jun Ortoi, Veiled Master assisting you throughout your adventure by fighting those immortal syndicate alongside with you. Upon successfully defeating all syndicate(if spawn more than one), they can then be either interrogated or bargained with, which allows the player to gradually gather intelligence about their mastermind location information. Some may also drop veiled item that can be unveil by Jun and may grant you new crafting option from your crafting benches in your hideout. Here's a cheat sheet regarding syndicate rewards.
배신 안전가옥 완료 - 신디케이트 컨텐츠 진행해서 카타리나 보스 처치 -
Upgrade an item to a Fated Item - This is part of prophecy league mechanic which introduced by Navali in Act1 town after you rescued her in The Climb. This challenge require prophecy that says "Kill ??? in ??? while holding a ???.", which can upgrade your unique item item fated version after you kill the required boss while having the item in your inventory ... and yes you don't need to wear it to do this.
아이템을 예견된 아이템으로 업그레이드 - '그대는 ??? 아이템을 소지한 채 ???를 처치할 것이다' 예언을 완료하면 달성.
2019/06/20 - [공략 (Game Manual)/패스 오브 엑자일] - 패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 신디케이트(Syndicate) 공략, 정리
2019/06/01 - [공략 (Game Manual)/패스 오브 엑자일] - 패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 예언(Prophecy) 공략, 정리
OVERALL: Normal. Not much RNG needed to complete these challenges.
11. Modify Maps
지도 개조하기
Open a Map Area that is affected by a Sextant Modifier. - With the new atlas system, you're have to use sextant on your watchstone instead, then place the watchstone into the citadel in your atlas UI, then the sextant mod will applied all the map in that region. Watchstone can be obtain after you slain an Atlas Conqueror, try watch Ziggyd Video for better understanding.
육분의 속성 부여에 영향을 받는 지도 지역을 여십시오 - 새로 생긴 감시자의 돌에 육분의 사용 -
Use a Scarab in your Map Device. - Scarabs are primarily found from syndicate encounters rewards, which works like a map fragment that can be use together with a map in your map device to force spawn certain league mechanic.
지도 장치에 갑충석을 사용하십시오 - 지도 장치에 지도와 같이 갑충석을 넣고 열기 -
Complete a Map that has at least 8 modifiers. - Map with 8 modifiers can only be obtain from corrupting a map by using a vaal orb.
8개 이상의 속성 부여를 보유한 지도를 완료하십시오. - 바알 오브 타락 효과중에 8모드가 되는 것이 있어서 바알 오브 바르다 보면 뜬다 -
Complete a Map that has at least 20% Quality. - Map with 20% quality can be obtain from using Cartographer's Chisel on map. TIPS: Try use chisel on white rarity map instead before crafting them into higher rarity, this is because using chisel on normal rarity can improve their quality faster(Normal gain 5% per use, Magic gain 2% per use, Rare gain 1% per use)
20% 이상의 퀄리티를 보유한 지도를 완료하십시오 - 지도 제작자의 끌을 지도에 사용해서 20% 만들기 (노멀 지도는 끌 하나당 5%, 매직은 2%, 레어는 1%씩 오른다. 노멀 상태에서 바르고 연금술의 오브를 사용)
OVERALL: Normal. These challenges are basics guide on how to craft your maps for better reward.
12. Craft Modifiers
속성 부여 제작하기
Easy. A good introduction of crafting-bench to newbies that can be use in your hideout(after claimed from Helena in Act2), and their recipe can be obtainable act zone and syndicate's veiled mod. Click HERE to check the list of recipe's unlock location.
작업대에서 각 부위에 한번씩 아무 크래프팅이나 하면 완료
13. Turn in Divination Cards
점술 카드 제출하기
TypeBest Choice
Corrupted Gem 타락 젬 | Volatile Power, The Rite of Elements 불안한 권력, 원소의 의식 |
Item Level: 100 Item 아이템 레벨 : 100 아이템 | Destined to Crumble 무너질 운명 |
Jewel 주얼 | Shard of Fate, The Endurance 운명의 파편, 인내 |
Map 지도 | The Encroaching Darkness 잠식해오는 어둠 |
Prophecy 예언 | Akil's Prophecy, The Mad King 아킬의 예언, 미치광이 왕 |
Rare Item 희귀 아이템 | The Lover, Destined to Crumble 연인, 무너질 운명 |
Normal. Old player might remember how hideous this challenge is in the old days, not exactly the same but pretty much they improve it BETTER! Nice work GGG!! Also note that this challenge require card that reward SPECIFIC reward type as requested, so those wild reward like The Void won't work on this challenge.
2019/06/03 - [공략 (Game Manual)/패스 오브 엑자일] - 패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 점술 카드(Divination card) 정리
패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 점술 카드(Divination card) 정리
패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 점술 카드(Divination Card) 정리 점술 카드(Divination Card)는 그냥 아이템 교환권이라고 생각하면 된다. 카드를 주웠을 때 좌측을 보면 1/3과 같은 형태로 스택이 써있다. 같..
14. Complete these Encounters III
인카운터 완료하기 III
Erythrophagia - Tier4+ Phantasmagoria Map, this challenge can be easily be done by using flask that remove/immune to curse temporally, so when the boss is about to die just remember to use ur immunity curse flask while killing to complete this challenge.
환영 지도에서 적혈구포식을 저주 받지 않는 상태로 처치하십시오 - 저주 면역 플라스크를 사용하고 그 효과중인 상태에서 보스를 잡으면 쉽게 완료 -
Sebbert, Crescent's Point - Tier3+ Moon Temple Map, Dark Vortex is the dark-cloudy-ground that cast by the blue-ball-thing at the middle of boss arena. It will cast it every few second at certain zone, so just stand on it when you about to kill the boss.
달의 사원 지도에서 초승달의 끝 세버트를 검은 소용돌이의 영향을 받는 동안 처치하십시오 - 몇초마다 시전하니 검은 소용돌이 위에 올라간 상태에서 보스킬 -
Legius Garhall - Tier3 Ancient City Map, this a bit tricky for clear speed build to do ... have to kite out the primary boss out from his gang to only kill it to complete this challenge.
고대 도시 지도에서 레기우스 가르할을 검은 근위대 심문관 또는 검은 근위대 집행자를 처치하지 않은 상태에서 물리치십시오 - 보스만 빼내서 먼저 처치 -
Avatar of the Huntress, Skies, and Forge - Tier3 Arena Map, these trio-boss challenge is kinda easy to do as they are pretty soft thus easy kill, but becareful in high tier when killing 2 of them will enrage the last one even stronger.
투기장 지도에서 첫 보스를 처치한 뒤 5초 내에 다른 보스들을 처치하십시오 - 보스 3마리 거의 동시에 처치, 캐릭터가 쎄지면 자동 클리어
OVERALL: Normal. These challenges are mostly straight-forward, simple to accomplish.
15. Obtain Itemised Samples
아이템화된 샘플 획득하기
Normal. These unique/itemised samples can be obtain from metamorph monster that have maximum gauge, these can be easily achieve in end game maps. Note that only 1 itemised samples can be obtain per map, that's mean if the map have multiple unique boss then you can have multiple choice of picking which part of samples u wanna take from metamorph monster when slained. Putting more than one unique samples into metamorph will result drop randomly pick base on what you've inserted and still, only one will drop. Here's a cheat sheet for metamorph mechanic.
16. Complete these Encounters IV
인카운터 완료하기 IV
Delve to Depth 100 in your Azurite Mine - At depth 100, monster level will be 76(Tier9) which is reachable for most builds, just need a bit more grind for those sulphite.
남동석 광산에서 채굴 100레벨 달성 - 광산 100층은 지도 티어9 수준 -
Defeat a Bestiary Boss - To do this challenge just buy any cheap unique beast(Saqawine Rhex, Craicic Spider Crab, Fenumal Hybrid Arachnid, or Farric Tiger Alpha) then spawn in ur blood altar, complete the fight then you'll complete this challenge, or hunt them yourself. here's the details:
야수 도감 보스 처치 - 야수관에서 Saquwine Rhex, Cracic Spider Crab, Fenumal Hybrid Arachnid, Farric Tiger Alpha 4종류 중 하나를 사용하면 보스로 가는 포탈이 열리고, 들어가서 킬. (한글명 : 페룰 호랑이 우두머리, 크라칸의 거미게, 페누무스 잡종 거미류, 사카왈 렉스) -
Saqawal, First of the Sky - It's recipe require Saqawine Rhex that only appears in Tier 5+ maps. This DINOSAUR boss not that dangerous but try don't stand in the tornadoes, they hurt more than anything else in the encounter
Craiceann, First of the Deep - It's recipe require Craicic Spider Crab that only appears in Tier 7+ maps. This CRAB boss same like bird boss are just loot pinatas tbh, haven't seen them alive long enough to do anything.
Fenumus, First of the Night - It's recipe require Fenumal Hybrid Arachnid that only appears in Tier 10+ maps. This SPIDER boss deal a lot of chaos damage, so bring chaos resist flask, and dont stand in the stuff on the ground.
Farrul, First of the Plains - It's recipe require Farric Tiger Alpha that only appears in Tier 13+ maps. This TIGER boss deal a lot of phys damage, so bring phys reduction flask, bleed immunity flask and dodge the stampede.
Defeat an Abyssal Lich - This boss only can spawn from end game map's abyssal depths, they are easy to fight but their spawn rate kinda rare.
심연의 군주 리치 처치 - 지도 내의 어비스 인카운터 중 랜덤으로 어비스지역이 열리고 그 안에 들어가면 가끔 리치가 뜬다 -
Defeat a Breachlord - To gain access to kill Breachlord, you have to collect a stack of 100 splinters which will automatically turn into Breachstone. Most of the boss are kinda hard to fight, just ask for help to deal with this.
균열 군주 처치 - 지도장치에 균열석을 사용, 보스클 (균열 파편 100개를 모으면 균열석이 된다)
OVERALL: Normal. Require couple of weeks in map grind to finish this.
17. Complete Twinned Maps
이중지도 완료하기
Not all maps can have "twinned" modifier, for example Kitava or Innocence boss.
Normal. Surprisingly they change from require specific map to have twinned challenge, to more broad choices ... interesting change GGG, nonetheless some map boss are more tricky to do when two of them in a small room, you can try roll a magic rarity of the map with "Twin" mod so make the fight easier. If still can't, just ask someone else to help kill when u got them.
'지역에 고유 보스 두 마리 등장' 모드가 붙은 지도 클리어 또는 쌍둥이 예언을 사용하고 지도 클리어
18. Complete Metamorph Encounters III
변형 인카운터 완료하기 III
Normal. This require a bit more grind on metamoprh monster to complete, still achievable within a month of grinding.
19. Complete Unidentified Maps
미확인 지도 완료하기
Going an unidentified rare map is kinda risky but high reward, do ounce per tier. You can obtain unidentified rare map by doing the map vendor recipe which also effect the rarity too, etc: vendor 3 same rare map you'll get +1 tier rare map OR corrupting rare map have a chance turning into unidentified(safer since you know the mods before hand). If your build can't deal most of the map mod then just party up with other people OR invite experienced players to help your Blind Map.
Normal. Surprisingly they make this challenge easier from doing all(16) last few leagues, to only 10 this league .. well thanks GGG! =D
20. Achieve Ascension
전직 달성하기
PoELAB is a good resource to check whether today is a short/safe layout to be run or not. Also try install LabCompass for more convenient, is a MUST tools for labyrinth camper! Here's are the locations for each trial to obtain before able to enter certain difficulty labyrinth:
Normal Difficulty: Act1 The Lower Prison, Act2 The Crypt Level 1, Act2 The Chamber of Sins Level 2, Act3 The Crematorium, Act3 The Catacombs, Act3 The Imperial Gardens
미궁 -
Cruel Difficulty: Act6 The Prison, Act7 The Crypt, Act7 The Chamber of Sins Level 2
잔혹한 미궁 -
Merciless Difficulty: Act8 The Bath House, Act9 The Tunnel, Act10 The Ossuary
무자비한 미궁 -
Uber/Eternal Difficulty: Random spawn in end game maps, here's a picture for easier tracking which trial u haven't done yet.
영원의 미궁
OVERALL: Easy. Labyrinth will get easier when you practice more, if your build can't do it, just pay someone to bring you to do it ;)
21. Use Catalysts
기폭제 사용하기
Abrasive Catalyst - Enhance attack modifiers.
Fertile Catalyst - Enhance life and mana modifiers.
Imbued Catalyst - Enhance caster modifiers.
Intrinsic Catalyst - Enhance attribute modifiers.
Prismatic Catalyst - Enhance resistance modifiers.
Tempering Catalyst - Enhance defense modifiers.
Turbulent Catalyst - Enhance elemental damage modifiers.
Easy. These catalyst can be use to enhance your ring, amulet, and belt modifiers, and most of these catalyst are not that rare to obtain, can be from a normal metamorph encounter with it's reward, or from a special metamorph that created in Tane Octavius's Lab.
22. Complete these Encounters V
인카운터 완료하기 V
Activate 200 Shrines - Can be farm-able from Zana's Domination map modifier, which unlock after completing tier 2 map.
성소 작동 - 지도 장치에서 '성소' 선택 -
Defeat 50 Beyond Unique Bosses - Can be farm-able from Zana's Beyond map modifier.
이계 고유 보스 처치 - 지도 장치에서 '이계' 선택, 또는 지도에 '서로 가까이 있는 적 처치 시 % 확률로 이계 몬스터를 불러옴' 모드가 붙어있는 지도를 사용, 두개 동시에 하면 확률이 굉장히 높아진다 -
Open 50 Legion Monoliths - Can be farm-able from Zana's Legion map modifier.
군단 기둥 열기 - 지도 장치에서 '군단' 선택 -
Open 30 Maps with Fortune Favours the Brave - This challenge is exclusively from Zana's map modifier only, which unlock after completing tier 3 map.
"행운은 용기 있는 사람에게 찾아온다"가 있는 지도 열기 - 지도 장치에서 해당 모드 선택 30회
OVERALL: Normal, most of these are grind are available from Zana's map device modifier, so completing these challenge will be faster if using her map device.
23. Complete Blight Encounters
역병 인카운터 완료하기
Fully upgrade a Tower - Easily achieve this challenge as long you focusing on one tower upgrade, also all tier 4 tower will change their tower's ability.
탑 하나 완전히 업그레이드 -
Anoint a Ring with a Tower Enchantment - Oils that obtained from blight encounter can be use to anoint your ring through Cassia, which improve tower's ability even more.
반지에 성유를 부어 탑 인챈트 -
Anoint an Amulet with a Notable passive - Oil also can be use to anoint your amulet which grant you notable stat(the medium-size-node from passive), you can lookup in your passive tree to see the notable node u wanted require what kind of oil combination to create.
목걸이에 성유를 부어 주요 패시브 스킬 보유 -
Complete a Blighted Map - Obtaining the map are easy now with the help of metamorph and also improved drop rate from integrating the mechanic into the core game. Blighted map fight are a bit chaotic, require a descent clear speed build to do it.
역병 걸린 지도 하나 완료
OVERALL: Normal, this challenge inform us how they integrated blight mechanic into the core game.
카시아 NPC를 이용하면 된다.
2019/09/10 - [공략 (Game Manual)/패스 오브 엑자일] - 패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 성유 인챈트 조합식 목록
패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 성유 인챈트 조합식 목록
패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 성유 인챈트 조합식 목록 poe 3.8 메마름의 시대 추가된 아이템 성유 Clear Oil (투명한 성유) Sepia Oil (적갈빛 성유) Amber Oil (호박빛 성유) Verdant Oil (신록빛 성유) Te..
24. Reach level 90
90레벨 도달하기
Normal. This .... require a decent build to do this, require within a month to reach this level. If bad build that die a lot then .... maybe then need around a month+
25. Obtain Rewards from Metamorphs
변형에서 보상 획득하기
When choose samples for metamorphs, the rarest one(most left) doesn't mean is the most rewarding, instead is also depends on the samples reward type ... yes even the normal samples can be more rewarding than unique samples! But choosing higher rarity samples also helps fill up the gauge even faster so .... is all depends what u from the metamorph.
Normal, none of the metamorph's reward are hard to get.
26. Identify Influenced Items
영향을 받는 아이템 식별하기
Check out ZiggyD video on obtaining watchstone guide
Normal, with the new atlas system we're now getting watchstone from each corner outside region, and when beating those conqueror(for the watchstone) they will drop their own influenced item.
27. Defeat Shaper & Elder Guardians
쉐이퍼 수호자 및 엘더 수호자 처치하기
With the new atlas system, you can only access elder and shaper content through zana's mission or zana's vendor, and also from map boss with at least awaken level1(small chance). Zana will start giving those maps when you reach Tier13 maps.
Normal. These boss is slightly harder than the conqueror, if you build can't really kill them then just ask for experience player to help you kill them off when u got the map to spawn them.
변형 리그에서 엘더와 쉐이퍼를 만나는 방법이 바뀌었다. 14티어 이상의 지도를 돌아 엘더 및 쉐이퍼의 영향을 받는 지도를 획득해 그 지도를 클리어하거나, 자나 임무를 통해 등장하는 지도에서 나올 수 있다.
28. Complete Metamorph Encounters IV
변형 인카운터 완료하기 IV
Amalgam of Nightmares - Tier16 Carcass Map
Eater of Souls - Tier11+ Core Map
Nightmare Manifest - Tier14+ Malformation Map
Shadow of the Vaal - Tier9+ Maze Map
Skullbeak - Tier3+ Bog Map
Suncaller Asha - Tier4+ Park Map
The Blacksmith - Tier3+ Dunes Map
The Brittle Emperor - Tier3+ Wasteland Map
The Goddess - Tier4+ Plaza Map
The Sanguine Siren - Tier14+ Crimson Temple Map
NOTE: You don't need a full set of the boss organ, just 1 piece of the samples boss then the rest is mix up will satisfy this challenge condition. Also this challenge require metamorph in Tane Octavius's Lab, not in map.
Normal, obtaining them are easy not much RNG needed just remember to pick them up when you slain the map boss, but fighting them in Tane Octavius's Lab would be a problem, so try bring an experience player to help you fight the metamorph if you're build aren't capable enough to defeat them.
각 지도에서 얻은 장기들을 테인의 연구실에서 넣기만 하면 된다
29. Complete Unique Maps
고유지도 완료하기
Normal. Do 15 out of 19, with the help of The Encroaching Darkness divination card, this challenge will be slightly easier to complete as you keep grinding end game maps collecting this cards. Even your RNG is sux collecting these card, you could buy some of the unique map at here, most of the unique map are quite cheap.
The least 4 favorite unique map I would skip is ... Hall Of Grandmaster(hard), Perandus Manor(very expensive), The Putrid Cloister(expensive), and Doryani's Machinarium(expensive) depending whose the 4th expensive map is =D
명인의 전당 - 유저가 키운 PVP 캐릭들이 등장해서 매우 어려움, 빌드에 따라서는 아예 클리어 불가능할 수도 있다
페란두스 저택, 도리아니의 기계실, 악취나는 수도원 - 비싸다
총 19개 중에 15개만 완료하면 달성
30. Awaken the Atlas
아틀라스 각성시키기
2019/12/22 - [공략 (Game Manual)/패스 오브 엑자일] - 패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 신규 아틀라스 시스템 정리
패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 신규 아틀라스 시스템 정리
패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 3.9 변형리그, 신규 아틀라스 시스템 정리 1. 액트10까지 퀘스트를 밀고나면 은신처에 자나가 없다. 장교 키락에게 말을 걸고 나서 퀘스트를 진행하고, 매핑을 하다 보면 자나를..
Check out Grimro video on how to obtain watchstones
There's 3 phases on how to upgrade full your atlas:
First 4 watchstones is from doing the maps at the corner region of your atlas. When you do your first map in those region, the conqueror will spawn in say something to you then portal back out, then your map will fill with the conqueror adds, and also in atlas UI that region will be colored depending of the conqueror. After u do 2 more map(must be different), then Kirac NPC will have a quest for you asking you to talk with Zana open the map for you that can fight with the conqueror itself. Repeat this process in 4 other corner region to get the first 4 watchstones.
Next 16 watchstones is from doing a region of map with their condition fulfilled. Previous 4 doesn't need condition that's why the conqueror can spawn. To know what's their conditon to spawn them, you can mouse over your watchstone invetory slots then it will show what it need and also highlight the region that the slots represent. With enough watchstone socketed in your citadel, the conqueror will spawn in if you run their appropriate map tier in that region 3 times(can't run other tier even is the same map). And after you got your 12 watchstone, Zana will invite you to kill Sirus, Awakener of Worlds boss.
Last 12 watchstones is pretty much the same with previous phase except this time conqueror will have CHANCE to spawn in after complete a map with their influence in a region, instead of previous phase grantee spawn after 3 maps. Also now u can now farm conqueror by spawning them again to farm their influenced item but not their wathcstone(if obtained already).
Side note, to get a citadel in a region you have to find them just by clearing any map till the boss open a portal which brings you to a small room with zana and an altar at the middle of the room, click the altar then you'll unlock citadel in your region.
Normal, this challenge require you to awaken all 8 region, that's mean need 32 watchstone socketed in your atlas.
31. Defeat Awakened Bosses
각성한 보스 처치하기
Konley, the Unrepentant - Tier16 Basilica Map
Mephod, the Earth Scorcher - Tier16 Summit Map
Eater of Souls - Tier15 Core Map
Portentia, the Foul - Tier14 Waste Pool Map
Bazur - Tier16 Tower Map
The Cursed King - Tier16 Dark Forest Map
Normal. This challenge require you to kill specific map boss with 1 condition, which is at awakened level 8(fully socketed wathcstone atlas).
감시자의 돌 32개를 모두 얻고 시타델에 전부 장착해 각성 레벨 8인 상태로 해당 지도 클리어
32. Defeat Conquerors of the Atlas
아틀라스의 정복자 처치하기
/u/stropi had made a good guide on how to beat Sirus, Awakener of Worlds very easily on any build. Sirus maybe the biggest boss in atlas, a much more mechanical fight but surprisingly is still easier compare with Uber Elder fight. Just try learn the guide from stropi then you'll be good with fighting Sirius in no time :D
Normal, you can defeat all these new conqueror boss in awakened level 1, so should be easy enough. If you really can defeat Sirius then can try invite experience player to help you kill it after you spawn it(after 20 watchstone).
33. Defeat Shaper and Elder
쉐이퍼 및 엘더 처치하기
Normal, you can access these boss domain after collected their complete set map fragments, that can be obtained from slaying their guardian which given by zana's mission or zana's vendor, or map boss with at least awakened level 1 but with a low chance.
이번 리그에서 쉐이퍼 및 엘더를 만나는 방법이 바뀌었다. 14티어 이상 지도에서 엘더, 쉐이퍼의 가디언 지도를 획득할 수 있고, 각 가디언들이 지도조각을 드랍한다. 각 조각 4개씩을 모아서 지도장치에 사용하면 엘더 또는 쉐이퍼를 만날 수 있다.
34. Defeat 1500 Map Bosses
지도 보스 물리치기
Hard, this seems another big improvement from previous league map grind challenge(atlas mission), you can farm map that have multiple bosses such as Arena Map, or Courthouse Map and so on ... or even unique map like Hallowed Ground with many unique bosses to speed up this challenge even faster. This challenge is roughly require you to farm 500 maps considering you're farming all the map have 3 bosses.
게임을 오래하면 자동적으로 클리어 되겠지만, 빠르게 클리어하고 싶다면 보스가 여러마리 있는 지도를 사용
투기장, 묘지, 법원 등 고유지도 중에선 거룩한 대지
35. Defeat Conquerors Conditionally
조건부 정복자 처치하기
Defeat Baran, The Crusader after every square of the arena has become a Mana Rune and without having been affected by Mana Rune.
투기장의 모든 광장이 마나 룬 문자의 영향을 받는 상태일 때, 마나 룬 문자의 영향을 받지 않으면서 십자군 바란을 처치하십시오.
He transforms tiles into glowing runes like here, bring him to low life wait for him to transform all tiles into those and try to remember which he already transformed, just try to avoid those are degen areas or else you'll fail this challenge(you will be notified).
Defeat Veritania, The Redeemer without being hit by any Tornadoes or entering the Hurricane.
회오리에 피격되거나 폭풍에 휘말리지 않으면서 대속자 베리타니아를 처치하십시오.
She will spawn small tornadoes which are easy to avoid if you stand a bit further away from her. The hurricane is much like the brine king's one and you should not be hit by it, it may requires some skill to dodge those but should be doable at any boss level.
Defeat Al-Hezmin, The Hunter without causing any Tunnelling Vipers to emerge.
터널 독사가 나타나지 않도록 하면서 사냥꾼 알-헤즈민을 처치하십시오.
Tunnelling Vipers is the snakes that spawn around the edge of the arena, not the one spawn from the center arena with him saying "i am not alone". Tunnelling Vipers will spawn after 50 seconds since the fight start, so try defeat him within that time period to avoid them spawning that'll fail this challenge, will be easier to do at lower levels. Tips: In case you fight the boss for longer than 50 seconds, try staying in the middle of the triangle-pool to fight the boss, this is because those vipers only spawn when you're standing outside the pool.
Defeat Drox, The Warlord after having destroyed at least 10 Vexillum Immortalis bubbles.
불멸의 군기 거품을 10개 이상 파괴한 후 전쟁군주 드록스를 처치하십시오.
Vexillumm Immortailis are the flags which he drops that will make allies immune to damage, so you have to kill them before you can damage him or the add spawns. He will spawns a ton on higher levels and should be very easy.
OVERALL: Normal, all of these are very straightforward and are easier to complete when they first spawn than in later stages..
36. Complete these Encounters VI(40/40)
인카운터 완료하기 VI
Unique Watchstone - Obtained from Sirius at awakened level 8.
시타델에 고유 감시자의 돌 장착 - 상아색 감시자의 돌 사용 -
Guardian's Exalted Orb - Obtained from any Conqueror at any awakened level.
수호자의 엑잘티드 오브 사용 -
Awakened Gem - Obtained from any Conqueror at any awakened level.
각성한 젬 5레벨 도달 -
Awakener's Orb - Obtained from Sirius at any awakened level.
각성자의 오브 사용
Hard, these is pretty much RNG challenge from farming those new bosses. But you plan to choose killing Sirius 75 times for end game grind .... then perhaps u might wanna do this challenge, maybe buy from other player if you're having bad RNG getting them.
37. Defeat Sirus Conditionally
조건부 사이러스 처치
Defeat Sirus without being affected by the Inner Deatomization Storm
원자 분해 폭풍의 영향을 받지 않으면서 세계의 각성자 사이러스를 처치하십시오.
Inner Deatomization Storm is the big giant-black-storm that spawn around arena, it has aggro towards player when near them, also with the new patch Sirius will sometime push the storm away. To do this challenge safely is better to kite the storm away when fighting with Sirius because sometime the storm aggro is faster than Sirius pushing them back.
Defeat Sirus without being affected by Desolation of the Awakener
각성자의 비애의 영향을 받지 않으면서 세계 각성자 사이러스를 처치하십시오.
Desolation of the Awakener is the cloudy-storm-ground-effect thing that will shock and deal degen damage when you step on it. So try avoid this when fighting with Sirius to do this challenge.
Defeat Sirus without being hit by any Spinning Negation Beams
회전하는 부정의 광선에 맞지 않고 세계의 각성자 사이러스를 처치하십시오.
Spinning Negation Beams is the cross-laser then spawn in the 3rd phase fight, just start running counter-clockwise when you saw 4 of the dark-version-sirius-clone spawn in then start shooting thick-laser in one place.
Defeat Sirus without being hit by any of his corridor lasers and without causing him to interrupt the skill
기둥 형태의 광선에 맞거나 스킬 사용을 방해받지 않은 채 세계의 각성자 사이러스를 처치하십시오.
Corridor Lasers is the skill that Sirius summon with 2 straight-wall side by side then he will shoot out projectile skill in sequence., you can stop this skill by jumping out or dash behind Sirius with will interrupt this skill. To do this challenge, you CANNOT escape this skill but to play along with Sirius skill, by dodging his projectile left to right in sequence till the wall break down.
Overall: Normal, if you learn the guide from stropi, Sirius fight is pretty much easy even with this conditional challenge, try do them at awakened level 1 to make this challenge easier.
각성레벨을 낮추고 도전하기
38. Complete Deadly Encounters(40/40)
치명적인 인카운터 완료하기
Uber Elder - you can access this boss domain by combining 2 shaper fragment(Shape & Knowledge) and 2 elder fragment(Emptiness & Terror).
우버 엘더 - 엘더를 처치했을 때 나오는 지도 조각 2종류, 쉐이퍼를 처치했을 때 나오는 지도 조각 2종류를 총 4개 모아 지도장치에 사용해서 우버 엘더를 만날 수 있다. -
Mastermind at an area level of 83 - This is the last boss of syndicate hierarchy, you can access the mastermind safehouse after fill the information bar to full from killing captains of each safehouse divisions. It's full fight is all about running around the arena avoid the middle laser beam and the burning arena from 4 edges. Getting a level 84 mastermind shouldn't be a problem as long you keep negotiating syndicate in high tier map, it will also replace ur old progression if u done some negotiation in the past low tier maps.
83레벨 지역에서의 지휘자 - 83레벨 신디케이트 보스 카타리나 처치. 고티어에서 준 임무를 계속 사용해주면 쉽게 만날 수 있다. -
Chayula, who Dreamt in their Domain - This is one of the breachlord variant, a chaos type. To gain access to kill this Chaos Breachlord, you have to collect a stack of 100 Splinters of Chayula which will automatically turn into Chayula's Breachstone. This boss are the hardest among the other breachlord, just ask for help to deal with this.
자신의 영토에서 꿈꿨던 차율라 - 차율라의 균열석 사용 -
Abaxoth, the End of All That Is - This boss only spawn from beyond map's mod. He's hardly spawn but you can increase the beyond boss spawn chance by stacking the original map's mod together with zana's map device Beyond Mod but BE WARN this boss is freaking dangerous, so advice try spawn him in low tier map.
모든 것의 종말 아바소스 - 지도 장치에서 '이계' 모드를 사용해 이계 보스 중에 아바소스가 나오길 기도
OVERALL: Hard, finding abaxoth may require a bit RNG but that's not a problem in this challenges, the BIG problem will be beating Uber Elder which use to be the hardest content in PoE beside the new content(Awakener Boss), so if you're build aren't capable enough to beat these bosses just invite experience player to help with when u can spawn this bosses.
39. Complete the Epilogue Questline
에필로그 퀘스트라인 완료
Normal, this quest is all about killing Sirus, Awakener of Worlds which is when you collected 16 watchstones from conquerors of the atlas. Can scroll up to No.30 challenge to know how to obtain all watchstones.
40. Complete Endgame Grinds(40/40)
최종 단계 콘텐츠 완료하기
Level 100
This is gonna be hardest of the rest challenges. If your build not very end game or dying often ... highly recommended to skip this.
교두보 런, 차율라 런 등 경험치런을 이용
Defeat 75 Sirus, Awakener of Worlds
세계의 각성자 사이러스 처치
If you keep farm on map, spawning him should be not a problem compare to old times spawn elder/uber elder is such a hassle. Killing him also not that hard if you read up stropi guide, compare to uber elder bullet hell fight is much more easier. Also you can kill Sirius at awakened level 1 to do this challenge so should be much easier a bit.
Open 500 Chests at the end of the Endgame Labyrinth
최종 단계 미궁의 끝에서 상자 열기
Owh no they change back from farming 100 Argus into this, which is the same since delve league ... and is BAD :( This challenge require us to farm roughly around 100 labyrinth run(bad RNG scenario, 5 keys per run), but we can lessen the total number if you can find more than 5 keys(good RNG) per run. The maximum number of keys u can get per run is 9, 3 from Izaro himself if he gets fully upgrade per phase(non of his adds turn down), 1 for Argus, 2 from Curious Lockboxes behind gauntlet or puzzle, **1 from darkshrine(chance)**that's hidden behind wall, then the last 2 from treasure chest(chance) which is at the end of the labyrinth after defeating Izaro.
Defeat 175 Metamorphs in Tane's Laboratory
테인의 연구실에서 변형체 처치
175 might be big number but ... when complete challenge No.34(1500 map boss) we should collected roughly around 100+ sets of samples, so we just need to buy a few more samples set from other players then we're able fill up the remaining numbers of this challenges easily. UNLESS you skipping the metamorph mechanic all the way then ... you might skip this challenge instead.
Reach Depth Level 600 in your Azurite Mine
남동석 광산 채굴 600레벨 도달
Owh no they bring back the hideous challenge of delving ... Reaching depth level 300 above is much harder than t16 map because monster life and damage starting to scale up passively. Don't worry though it won't be dangerous as long you don't delve into deadly modifiers such ash penetration resist, more than two damage mod, and chance to steal charges if your build rely on charges like Righteous Fire Build. Best way to survive deep delve is bring couple of resist flask depending on delve modifiers, and with poison removable in case of "poison on hit" mod. Also you still can party up with end game build player to help get pass hard modifier delve.
DepthMonster LevelBase Sulphite CostDarkness & Light ResistMonster LifeMonster Damage
600 | 83 | 1291 | -601% | 104% | 208% |
Complete 200 Legion Encounters
군단 인카운터 완료하기
200 is not a big number, just keep farming legion with zana map device's mod then this challenge shouldn't be a problem to complete.
OVERALL: Hard, sigh... GGG i know the whole theme of this expansion is about bringing back old stuff into current game(difficult boss) which is good, but not the bad one too come on like 500 lab chest and depth 600 challenge come on man ... Do 4 out of 6 of these choices, without a doubt I would skip that Level 100, that's ridiculous grind ... then maybe skip labyrinth by doing other content cuz I know many of yo really hate labyrinth ... I mean only 1% ppl can do labyrinth XD For those who willing to do lab then may wanna skip .... 175 metamorph because of how much grindy it is, or 72 Sirius if you're having trouble to kill him.
I will still be active updating this page from time to time whenever I got new INTEL untill the league ends ;) Hopefully you guys understand my poor english and also helped new comer try to get 40/40 challenges =D
[Change-logs last update 24th December 2019. Hover here to view.](/s " Update Change-logs:
2019/12/19 - [공략 (Game Manual)/패스 오브 엑자일] - 패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 사이러스 킬 영상 모음
패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 사이러스 킬 영상 모음
패스 오브 엑자일(PoE, Path of Exile) 세계의 각성자, 사이러스 킬 영상 모음 Awakener of World Sirus Kill MV 첫번째 영상 - 스탠다드, 번개 화살(Lightning Arrow), 연발 사격(Barrage) 유저 트위치 : http:/..
2019/12/18 - [공략 (Game Manual)/패스 오브 엑자일] - 패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 기존 보조젬 vs 각성젬 비교
패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 기존 보조젬 vs 각성젬 비교
패스 오브 엑자일(PoE, Path of Exile) 기존 보조젬 vs 각성젬 비교 Awakened Support Gems 각성한 보조 젬이란? poe 3.9 아틀라스의 정복자, 변형 리그에서 추가된 35가지의 보조젬으로, 기존 보조젬보다 더 강..