공략 (Game Manual)/패스 오브 엑자일

패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 도전과제(Challenge) 가이드

포도라떼 2019. 6. 28. 03:45

패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 도전과제(Challenge) 가이드

먼저, 챌린지 가이드는 래딧에서 전체 내용을 긁어 왔으며, 원문(영어)에 약간의 첨언만 달았음을 밝힌다.
출처 : https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/bzyuvy/legion_league_challenges_analysisnewbie_guide/

단축키 H를 누르면 도전과제 탭이 있다. 보통 리그를 달리는 유저들은 도전과제 달성 보상을 목표로 하는 사람들이 많다. 12챌, 24챌, 36챌에 각각 기둥 왕관, 기둥 오라 이펙트, 기둥 날개를 주기 때문에 보통 달성목표 컷으로 삼는다. 19챌부터 매 22챌, 25챌 ... 40챌 까지는 은신처를 꾸밀 수 있는 트로피를 주며, 매 3챌마다 단계가 높아질 수록 크고 멋있어진다.




  • All this analysis are based on a full time job player experience (spend 4~6 hours on PoE per day)

  • (40/40) tag means skip this if you're aiming for 36/40 challenges only, which means only wanna get those exclusive MTX skins, don't want the hideout trophy challenges.

  • Rating Difficulty:

  • Very Easy: Can be done within a week or day.

  • Easy: Can be done within a month, or couple of weeks.

  • Normal: Can be done within around a month or more, and require access end game content to do this.

  • Hard: Require heavy grinding which requires around 2 or more months of grinding.

  • Very Hard: Almost impossible to accomplished the challenge within 3 months(default league period)

  • Grinding here means play time in general, not farming on specific things.

1. Obtain Vaal Skill Gems
바알 스킬 젬 획득하기

Very Easy. A vaal side area is a randomly-generated side area indicated by a glowing, beating heart and swirling ribbons of blood. Every of this area will have a Vaal Vessel chest which may contain corrupt skill gems, vaal map fragments, or corrupted equipment which can be open after you beaten the boss at the end of the room.

2. Complete Legion Encounters I
군단 인카운터 완료하기 I

This challenge require you to "tag" as many legion's monster as possible during the legion encounter. This challenge also require a decent-clear-speed-build especially for 150 number, melee could be a big problem but I manage to adapt my build(Ground Slam stunner) for this challenge by using Vaal Ground Slam which can clear a whole screen if u invest some AOE scalling on ur build. 

Normal. If your build still having trouble for reaching 150 then party up another guy to help you manage to reach this number in mapping.
이번 리그인 군단 기둥을 태그하고 나오는 석상들을 150마리 이상 깨운 후 처치한다. 잘 안된다면 이번 리그에서 흥하고 있는 정수흡수(Essence Drain)빌드를 추천. 파티플레이로 도움을 받아도 된다.

3. Complete these Quests
해당 퀘스트 완료하기

  • A Dirty Job Act 1 - Fetid Pool, clear the map.
    더러운 일

  • Fallen from Grace Act 6 - Twilight Strand, clear the map.
    사라진 은총

  • Fastis Fortuna Act 9 - The Foothills, slay Boulderback the unique version of Fighting Bull monster, then obtain the Calendar of Fortune drop from it.
    운명의 달력

  • No Love for Old Ghosts Act 10 - The Ossuary, find The Elixir of Allure.
    노귀를 위한 사랑은 없다

  • Through Sacred Ground Act 2 - The Crypt, find The Golden Hand.
    성지를 지나

Easy. All of these are side-optional-quests that mostly just reward respec points for passive.

4. Defeat these Act Bosses
해당 각 장 보스 물리치기

Easy. You'll encounter them as you progressing your journey/quest, these are the first-half of the act bosses, if can't kill just get a party to help.

5. Complete these Encounters I
인카운터 완료하기 I

  • Open a Legion chest.
    군단 상자 개방

You'll encounter this during legion encounter and they'll spawn quite frequently. Legion chest will show a chest icon on top of them so is easy to spot them.

  • Defeat a Red beast at the Blood Altar.
    피의 제단에서 붉은 야수 처치

2019/06/27 - [공략 (Game Manual)/패스 오브 엑자일] - 패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 야수관(Bestiary) 공략, 정리

This is part of bestiary league mechanic which you'll start encounter them after Act2 with Einhar, BeastMaster assisting you throughout your adventure by capturing those beasts when they're low life. To do challenge you have to capture a red beast first which always spawn at least one during every bestiary encounter, after captured then talk to him in town to visit his hideout where u can find the Blood Altar to do the ritual. Blood Altar is use for bestiary crafting by sacrificing beasts in the Blood Altar, so doing any crafting in there will automatically complete this challenge.

  • Upgrade your Darkness Resistance at the Voltaxic Generator.
    전도성 발전기에서 어둠 저항 업그레이드

2019/06/02 - [공략 (Game Manual)/패스 오브 엑자일] - 패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 광산(Delve) 공략, 정리

This is part of delve league mechanic which you'll start encounter them after Act4 with Niko, Master of the Depthsassisting you throughout your adventure by mining those sulphite you found in the wild. This challenge basically guiding how to survive when doing delve, by buying upgrades from the Voltaxic Generator that's beside Niko in his hideout, with some cost of azurite that can be obtain from delving.

  • Socket an Abyssal Jewel into your passive tree.
    패시브 스킬 트리에 심연 주얼 장착

This is part of abyss league mechanic which you'll start encounter them after Act 6 onward. Upon walking over an abyss encounter, a crack will form on the ground, and a small number of monsters will spawn out of it, the crack will expand till end with a pit which spawn more monsters from the pit. After you clear fast enough monster from the pit, it may start a new crack from the pit, OR a abyss chest spawn that drop some item including Abyssal Jewel that can be use on ur passive tree, OR if you're lucky enough an Abyssal Depth will spawn that contain more treasure with greater challenge.

  • Bargain with a member of the Immortal Syndicate.
    불멸자 연합의 단원과 협상

2019/06/20 - [공략 (Game Manual)/패스 오브 엑자일] - 패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 신디케이트(Syndicate) 공략, 정리

This is part of betrayal league mechanic which you'll start encounter them after Act9 with Jun Ortoi, Veiled Masterassisting you throughout your adventure by fighting those immortal syndicate alongside with you. Upon successfully defeating all syndicate(if spawn more than one), they can then be either interrogated or bargained with, which allows the player to gradually gather intelligence about their mastermind location information. Some may also drop veiled item that can be unveil by Jun and may grant you new crafting option from your crafting benches in your hideout.

  • Use a Stone of Passage to open a door in an Incursion.
    기습에서 통로의 돌을 사용해 문 개방

2019/06/02 - [공략 (Game Manual)/패스 오브 엑자일] - 패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 앗조아틀의 사원(Incursion) 공략, 정리

This is part of incursion league mechanic which you'll start encounter them after Act7 with Alva, Master Explorerassisting you throughout your adventure by sending you to the past of Temple Atzoatl when encounter her altar, killing any architecture from the past incursion will effect your current time Temple Atzoatl which you'll able to access it after completing 12 incursion with her. To do this challenge you have to kill few monster during the incursion till some of them drop Stone of Passage that able to unlock doors in the incursion room that'll help you to connect rooms for your Temple Atzoatl.

OVERALL: Easy. These challenges is basically teaching you how to make use of each past league mechanic that had been added to current core game.

6. Complete Legion Encounters II
군단 인카운터 완료하기 II

Easy. Just tag any monster from each type of legion, doesn't matter is strong or weak you still able to complete this challenge. This challenge is a good info just to letting us know there's actually 5 type of legion.

7. Defeat these Unique Bosses
고유 보스 처치하기

  • Hillock - Act1 The Twilight Strand
    힐록 - 1장 황혼의 해안

  • Brutus, Lord Incarcerator - Act1 The Upper Prison
    강대한 감독관 브루투스

  • The Weaver - Act2 The Weaver's Chambers

  • Piety - Act3 The Crematorium

  • Voll, Emperor of Purity - Act4 The Dried Lake
    정화의 황제 볼

  • King Kaom - Act4 Kaom's Stronghold
    카옴 왕

  • Daresso, King of Swords - Act4 The Grand Arena
    검의 제왕 다레소

  • Overseer Krow - Act5 The Slave Pens
    간수 크로우

  • Innocence, God-Emperor of Eternity - Act5 The Chamber of Innocence
    영원의 신-황제 이노센스

  • Tukohama, Karui God of War - Act6 The Karui Fortress
    카루이 전쟁의 신 투코하마

  • Reassembled Brutus - Act6 Shavronne's Tower
    재조립된 브루투스

  • Tsoagoth, The Brine King - Act6 The Brine King's Reef
    염수왕 소아고스 - 6장 염수왕의 암초

Easy. You'll encounter them as you progressing your journey/quest, so don't worry about missing any of them.

8. Use these Quality Currency Items
퀄리티 화폐 아이템 사용하기

  • Armourer's Scrap use to improve equipment quality.
    방어구 장인의 고철 - 방어구

  • Blacksmith's Whetstone use to improve weapon quality.
    대장장이의 숫돌 - 무기

  • Glassblower's Bauble use to improve flask quality.
    유리직공의 방울 - 플라스크

  • Gemcutter's Prism use to improve gem quality.
    세공사의 프리즘 - 스킬젬

  • Cartographer's Chisel use to improve map quality.
    지도제작자의 끌 - 지도

  • Engineer's Orb use to improve strongbox quality.
    기술자의 오브 - 금고

Most of these are quality currency orbs which is a good introduction on how to make use of these orbs to improve your items. Just use these currencies maximize the quality of your item to complete this challenge.
각 아이템들은 노멀상태에서 사용하면 퀄리티가 5%씩 오른다. 

Normal. Most of these currencies are easy obtainable when you reach end game especially from legion chest, also cheap!

9. Defeat these Legion Monsters
군단 몬스터 물리치기

Normal. Rare legion monster mostly spawn at the outer ring of the spawn wave, so try run far a bit from the monolith after clicking so that you have enough time to free them. Afterall this is the best method IMO to farm legion because of most of the treasure are scatter outside instead of inside.

10. Defeat Elder and Elder Guardians
엘더 및 엘더 수호자 물리치기

In order to get these bosses to spawn, you have to start elder's influence which spawn after you shaper's influence in tier 6, the elder will spawn in interrupting shaper. Elder Guardians spawn when u get a lot of elder's influence in your atlas.

WARNING: Elder guardian will de-spawn after u complete 20 maps, but you kill any elder guardian it'll reset the counter.

2019/06/04 - [공략 (Game Manual)/패스 오브 엑자일] - 패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 아틀라스(Atlas) 공략, 정리


패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 아틀라스(Atlas) 공략, 정리

패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 아틀라스의 세계(Atlas of Worlds) 공략, 정리 퀘스트 라인을 따라서 스토리를 밀면 액트8부터 지도(Map) 아이템이 떨어지기 시작한다. 액트10까지 모두 깨고 나면 에필로그의..


Normal. These boss are typically easier compare to shaper's guardian, will be a lot easier if you spawn them in white tier. If you build can't really kill them then just ask for experience player to help you kill them off.

11. Obtain these Crafting Recipes
제조법 획득하기

  • Movement Speed - Rank 1 from Act2 The Caverns, Act5 The Chamber of Innocence, Epilogue - Oriath Town
    이동 속도 - 1단계

  • Spell Damage - Rank 1 from Act2 The Ancient Pyramid, Act6 Shavronne's Tower
    주문 피해 - 1단계

  • Attack and Cast Speed - Rank 1 from Act4 The Dried Lake, Act9 The Vastiri Desert, Tier11 Crimson Temple Map
    공격 및 시전 속도 - 1단계

  • Socket Colours - 1 or 2 Colours from Delving - Azurite Cavity node
    홈 색깔 - 1가지 혹은 2가지 색

  • Accuracy - Rank 1 from Act5 The Reliquary, Act7 The Temple of Decay Level 2, Incursion - Hall of champions (T3 Weapon Room)
    정확도 - 1단계

  • Spell Damage - Rank 3 from Act9 The Boiling Lake
    주문 피해 - 3단계

  • Physical Damage - Rank 3 from Act9 The Quarry
    물리 피해 - 3단계

  • Defences - Rank 2 from Act10 The Feeding Trough, Tier7 Waterways Map
    방어력 - 2단계

  • Energy Shield Recharge - Rank 1 from Tier2 Lookout Map, Tier13 Belfry Map
    에너지 보호막 재충전 - 1단계

  • Minions - Rank 2 from Tier5 Burial Chambers Map, Incursion - Hybridisation Chamber (T3 Hatchery Room)
    소환수 - 2단계

Normal. I know some of you really hate to do league content ( ?° ?? ?°) You may able to buy some them from other player too probably cheap also.
작업대에서 아직 획득하지 못한 제조법에 마우스를 올려보면 어디에서 획득할 수 있는지가 뜬다.

12. Complete the Pantheon
판테온 완료하기

  • Soul of Abberath - Require Tier15 Summit Map boss soul
    아버라스의 영혼

  • Soul of Arakaali - Require Tier5 Jungle Valley Map, Tier9 Arachnid Nest Map, and Tier13 Sunken City Map boss soul
    아라칼리의 영혼

  • Soul of Garukhan - Require Tier11 Dig Map boss soul
    가루칸의 영혼

  • Soul of Gruthkul - Require Tier12 Cemetery Map boss soul
    그루스컬의 영혼

  • Soul of Lunaris - Require Tier3 Pier Map, Tier9 Moon Temple Map, and Tier12 Colosseum Map boss soul
    루나리스의 영혼

  • Soul of Ralakesh - Require Tier4 Fields Map boss soul
    랄라케쉬의 영혼

  • Soul of Ryslatha - Require Tier11 Infested Valley Map boss soul
    리슬라사의 영혼

  • Soul of Shakari - Require Tier15 Desert Spring Map boss soul
    샤카리의 영혼

  • Soul of Solaris - Require Tier1 Sulphur Vents Map, Tier10 Temple Map,and Tier15 Caldera Map boss soul
    솔라리스의 영혼

  • Soul of the Brine King - Require Tier4 Beach Map, Tier9 Shore Map, and Tier13 Reef Map boss soul
    염수왕의 영혼

  • Soul of Tukohama - Require Tier11 Siege Map boss soul
    투코하마의 영혼

  • Soul of Yugul - Require Tier13 Terrace Map boss soul
    유굴의 영혼

To upgrade your pantheon you need to put a Divine Vessel with the map the pantheon requires on the map device. When succeed killing the map's boss, a Divine Vessel with the boss soul appear from the map device, pass this to Sin in town then he'll upgrade your pantheon.

Normal. I kinda hate the idea have to upgrade all, kinda destroy some player that strategist atlas map drops, oh well ... gonna spend some Cartographer's Seal(vendor 3 Cartographer's Sextant and 1 Orb of Scouring) if it really ruin ur atlas

2019/05/31 - [공략 (Game Manual)/패스 오브 엑자일] - 패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 판테온(Pantheon) 공략, 정리


패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 판테온(Pantheon) 공략, 정리

패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 판테온(Pantheon) 공략, 정리 먼저 판테온이라는 것은 비용없이 언제든 변경할 수 있는 보너스 패시브같은 것이라고 생각하면 된다. 각 마을이나 최종적으로 도착하는 오리아스(..


13. Complete these Encounters II
인카운터 완료하기 II

  • Undead Trio - Tier7 Graveyard Map, try to lower all 3 boss life to cull range, then finish them off with big AOE skill with support cull gem.
    티어7 묘지 지도에서 언데드 3인조를 모두 3초 간격으로 물리치십시오. - 무덤에서 보스가 1마리 나오고, 잡고나면 다시 2마리가 나오고, 잡고나면 무덤 3개에서 3마리가 나온다. 마지막 3마리를 동시에 킬.

  • Hephaeus, The Hammer - Tier8 Chateau Map, every 5 seconds he will start enraged for 10seconds then repeats again. To complete this challenge you have to lay your last hit during it's enrage buff.
    티어8 대저택 지도에서 격앙 상태인 망치 헤파이우스를 물리치십시오. - 격앙 버프(이속, 공속업)를 쓰고 달려들다가 버프가 없어지고를 반복한다. 격앙 버프를 쓴 상태일 때 보스킬.

  • Shock and Horror - Tier9 Mineral Pools Map, one boss can summoner 6 totem so this challenge require twin mod to do, just damage the boss to cull range then wait for 10 lighting warp totem then only cull the boss, those totem shouldn't be easily kill so should be no problem for accidentally hit them during ur last hit.
    티어9 광물층 지도에서 번개 차원 이동 토템을 10개 이상 활성화한 상태로 충격과 공포를 물리치십시오. - 보스 한마리는 6개의 토템을 소환하기 때문에 도전과제를 클리어하기 위해서는 '이중 보스' 모드가 필요하다.

  • the Beast of the Pits - Tier2 Barrows Map, the boss will Vulnerable when he charge forward and hit onto a wall will causing "stun" on itself a while. To do this challenge just lower it's life to cull range, then wait it charge to a wall stun itself then only cull kill it.
    티어2 고분 지도에서 취약 상태인 구덩이의 야수를 물리치십시오. - 보스가 돌진패턴을 쓰는데, 돌진해서 벽에 들이박으면 잠시동안 취약 상태 디버프가 걸린다. 이 상태에서 보스킬.


OVERALL: Normal. These challenges are pretty straight forward but some of it kinda tricky, just make the boss fight even more harder to challenge. If can't do this just try to ask experienced players for help, then should be easy to complete this.

14. Defeat these Legion Generals
군단 장군 물리치기

  • Aukana, the Black Sekhema - Maraketh Faction
    검은 세케마 아우카나

  • Cardinal Sanctus Vox - Templar Faction - Templar Faction
    상투스 복스 추기경

  • General Marceus Lioneye - Lioneye Faction
    마세우스 라이온아이 장군

  • Queen Hyrri Ngamaku - Karui Faction
    하이리 나마쿠 여왕

  • Viper Napuatzi - Vaal Faction
    바이퍼 나푸앗지

Normal. These legion generals mostly spawn at outer zone and very huge size compare to other legion monster, should be easy to spot them but hard to unfreeze them, require a decent DPS build to do this challenge, or maybe buy from other player for this challenge service.

15. Complete Elder or Shaper Influenced Maps
엘더 또는 쉐이퍼의 영향을 받는 지도 완료하기

Shaper Influence start as soon you start mapping, but Elder Influence require a condition where u encounter shaper's influence in tier 6, the elder will spawn in interrupting shaper. After that event then only Elder Influence able to spawn in into your atlas.

Normal. 50 is not a big number, plus they buffed shaper/elder influence map by containing additional monsters in recent patch, thus this challenge is to prove the changes(buff) had made.

16. Complete Twinned Maps
이중 지도 완료하기

Normal. Some map boss are more tricky to do when two of them in a small room, you can try roll a magic rarity of the map with "Twin" mod so make the fight easier. If still can't, just ask someone else to help kill when u got them.
'이중 보스' 모드, 라스트 보스가 두마리 나오는 맵 모드가 걸려있는 상태로 클리어 해야한다. 맵에 오브를 사용해서 '이중 보스' 모드를 띄우거나, 쌍둥이 예언을 이용해도 된다. 예언은 터지는 것이 랜덤이므로 터질때까지 같은 맵을 돌아야 하겠지만..

17. Open Legion Chests
군단 상자 열기

  • Legion Chests Spawn at every legion encounter.

  • Legion War Hoards Spawn at every legion encounter but higher spawn rate higher level place especially in end game maps, bigger size compared to regular legion chest.

Normal. Require a month plus of end game map grinding.

18. Complete Unided Rare Maps
미식별 희귀 지도 완료하기

Going an unidentified rare map is kinda risky but high reward, do ounce per tier. You can obtain unidentified rare map by doing the map vendor recipe which also effect the rarity too, etc: vendor 3 same rare map you'll get +1 tier rare map OR corrupting rare map have a chance turning into unidentified(safer since you know the mods before hand). If your build can't deal most of the map mod then just party up with other people OR invite experienced players to help your Blind Map.

Normal. Surprisingly they make this challenge easier from doing all(16) last few leagues, to only 10 this league .. well thanks GGG! =D

19. Achieve Ascension
전직 달성하기

PoELAB is a good resource to check whether today is a short/safe layout to be run or not. Also try install LabCompass for more convenient, is a MUST tools for labyrinth camper! Here's are the locations for each trial to obtain before able to enter certain difficulty labyrinth:

  • Normal Difficulty: Act1 The Lower Prison, Act2 The Crypt Level 1, Act2 The Chamber of Sins Level 2, Act3 The Crematorium, Act3 The Catacombs, Act3 The Imperial Gardens

  • Cruel Difficulty: Act6 The Prison, Act7 The Crypt, Act7 The Chamber of Sins Level 2

  • Merciless Difficulty: Act8 The Bath House, Act9 The Tunnel, Act10 The Ossuary

  • Uber/Eternal Difficulty: Random spawn in end game maps, here's a picture for easier tracking which trial u haven't done yet.

2019/06/01 - [공략 (Game Manual)/패스 오브 엑자일] - 패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 미궁(Labyrinth) 공략, 정리


패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 미궁(Labyrinth) 공략, 정리

패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 미궁(Labyrinth) 공략, 정리 poe에는 7개의 시작클래스가 있고. 19개의 전직클래스가 있다. 6개의 클래스들은 각각 3가지의 클래스로 전직 가능하고 사이온(Scion)만 특이하게..


OVERALL: Easy. Labyrinth will get easier when you practice more, if your build can't do it, just pay someone to bring you to do it ;)

20. Use Legion Incubators
군단 인큐베이터 사용하기

Normal. I suspect some of them gonna be rare drop or exclusive from Legion Domain, but doing 18 out of 23 sound reasonable also most of them are cheap so shouldn't a problem doing this challenge.

21. Complete these Encounters III
인카운터 완료하기 III

  • Complete trades with Cadiro Perandus 15 times You can encounter Cadiro Perandus from zana's map device Perandus Mod, Perandus Scarab, Janus from Research Division(syndicate mechanic), and from unique map Perandus Manor. Preferable spamming zana's map device method for cheaper method.
    카디로 페란두스와 거래 완료하기

  • Open 200 Strongboxes You can make this easier by spamming Ambush Mod from zana's map device that makes map contains additional 4 Strongboxes with a cost of 4 Chaos Orbs.
    금고 열기

  • Activate 200 Shrines You can make this easier by spamming Domination Mod from zana's map device that makes map contains additional 3 Shrines with a cost of 3 Chaos Orbs.
    성소 작동

  • Defeat 200 Rogue Exiles You can make this easier by spamming Anarchy Mod from zana's map device that makes map contains additional 3 Rogue Exiles with a cost of 2 Chaos Orbs.
    탈주 유배자 처치

OVERALL: Normal. Mostly are just additional mechanic from zana's map device, can spend some chaos orb on her device if you're wanna rush this challenge, is a good investment too you not only get these mechanic but also league-exclusive-unique drops too.

22. Complete Legion Encounters III
군단 인카운터 완료하기 III

  • 2,000 Sergeants mostly spawn at outer zone with rare rarity on them.

  • 25 Generals also mostly spawn at outer zone with bigger character size and unique rarity on them.

  • 700 Monsters with Symbols any monster than have icon on top of them.
    상징을 지닌 몬스터

Normal. 2,000 might be a big number but is farm-able within a month if you focusing farming them in small Act zone, general can also spawn in Act zone too.

23. Allocate Legion Passives
군단 패시브 스킬 할당하기

Normal. Timeless Jewel only drop from the unique map Domain of Timeless Conflict which can be created after you collected 100 of each type of splinters that drop from legion monster. Upon checking their prices from PoE Ninja, most of them quite cheap even the highest price among 5 of them are Brutal Restrain is still affordable. Here's a Guide on how to differentiate/make use of those legion jewels.
패치 이후로 잔인한 속박 무궁한 주얼(Brutal Restraint Timeless Jewel) 드랍률이 올라가면서, 거래소를 이용해도 쉽게 완료할 수 있게 되었다. 각 5가지 군단의 주얼을 넣고 바뀐 중간 노드 또는 키스톤 노드에 패시브 포인트를 할당 하면 된다. 도전과제는 계정공유라서 부캐를 이용해도 된다.

2019/06/20 - [공략 (Game Manual)/패스 오브 엑자일] - 패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 군단 무궁한 주얼(Timeless Jewel) 메커니즘


패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 군단 무궁한 주얼(Timeless Jewel) 메커니즘

패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 군단(Legeion) 무궁한 주얼(Timeless Jewel) 메커니즘 글을 작성하는 현재(2019/6/20) 시점 군단(Legion) 리그에서 추가된 아이템이다. 필드에서 볼 수 있는 '고대의 돌기둥'을..


24. Complete Maps with Sextants
육분의 지도 완료하기

Sextant ModMap Tier Requirement

Areas contain additional Corrupted Vaal Monsters White
Areas contain additional Essences Yellow
Areas contain an additional Tormented Betrayer White
Areas contain an additional Tormented Graverobber White
Areas contain an additional Tormented Heretic Red
Areas contain an extra Shrine White
Possessed Monsters drop an additional Map Red
Possessed Monsters drop an additional Scarab White
Possessed Monsters drop an additional Unique White
Slaying Enemies close together has a chance to attract monsters from Beyond Red
Unique Bosses are accompanied by a mysterious Harbinger Yellow

Normal. Most of these a new sextant mod that been added in recent expansion, some of it maybe quite rare but this challenge can be bought from other player through service.

25. Embrace Corruption
타락 받아들이기

  • Corrupt a Gem into a Level 21 Gem. Obtain by corrupting level 20 gem.
    젬 1개를 21레벨 젬으로 타락시키기

  • Obtain a Corrupted Mirrored Item from any Strongbox. Obtain by corrupting strongbox that have mirror mod on them.
    금고에서 타락한 복제 아이템 획득 - 복제(Mirror) 모드가 있는 상자에 바알 오브를 발라 타락시킨다.

  • Obtain two of the same Sacrifice Fragment from a Vaal Vessel in a Vaal Side Area. You can farm this challenge by put a sacrifice fragment in your map device then it'll will open up a Vaal Side Area, or can try make use of Hidden Vaal Pathways prophecy to force spawn vaal side area in Act Zone.
    바알 부가 지역에 있는 바알 그릇에서 같은 희생의 조각을 2개 획득하기 - 희생의 조각 1개를 지도 장치에 넣는 것으로 바알 부가 지역 맵을 열 수 있다.

  • Use the Corruption Altar in the Temple of Atzoatl to Corrupt an item unpredictably. Obtain by double corrupting item from the altar in Incursion-Locus of Corruption(Tier3 Corruption Room) doesn't matter you fail the upgrade(broke) or not you still able get completion of this challenge.
    앗조아틀의 사원에 있는 타락의 제단을 사용하여 아이템을 무작위로 타락시키기

Normal. Mostly are pretty easy to get except for that incursion double corrupt which kinda RNG dependent to spawn that room in ur Temple Atzoatl, might need some grind on incursion mechanic.

26. Complete these Encounters IV
인카운터 완료하기 IV

  • Bestiary Boss Bestiary Mechanic, just buy any cheap unique beast(Saqawine Rhex, Craicic Spider Crab, Fenumal Hybrid Arachnid, or Farric Tiger Alpha) then spawn in ur blood altar, complete the fight then you'll complete this challenge.
    야수 도감 보스를 물리치십시오.

2019/06/27 - [공략 (Game Manual)/패스 오브 엑자일] - 패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 야수관(Bestiary) 공략, 정리


패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 야수관(Bestiary) 공략, 정리

패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 야수관(Bestiary) 공략, 정리 야수관 컨텐츠는 필드나 맵에서 아인하르(Einhar)를 만나면 할 수 있다. 빨간색으로 표시되는 야수 한마리(간혹 두마리)와 노란색으로 표시되는 야..


  • Delve Boss Delve Mechanic, depth 117 above is where monster level start scale from 75, doing this challenge without flare could be a bit tricky unless is easy boss like Ahuatotli, upgrade fully ur Darkness Resistance from that Voltaxic Generator should ease this challenge.
    조명탄을 사용하지 않고 75레벨 이상의 지역에서 탐광 보스를 물리치십시오. - 남동석 광산 보스는 깊이 117이상부터 등장한다. 위키에는 깊이 85로 나와있는데, 이번 리그에서 바뀐건지 확인 불가.

  • Abaxoth, the End of All That Beyond Mechanic, this boss only spawn from beyond map's mod. He's hardly spawn but you can increase the beyond boss spawn chance by stacking the original map's mod together with zana's map device Beyond Mod but BE WARN this boss is freaking dangerous, so advice try spawn him in low tier map.
    모든 것의 종말 아바소스 물리치기 - Beyond는 이계로 번역되었다. 지도에 이계 모드가 걸려있거나, 지도장치에서 자나모드 이계를 선택하고 기도하는 수 밖에 없다.

  • Abyssal Lich Abyss Mechanic, abyssal depth that spawn bosses kinda RNG but since it doesn't specify which boss(Ulaman rarest) then this challenge should no problem, also require tier 13 maps above abyssal depth.
    80레벨 이상의 지역에서 심연의 리치를 물리치십시오. - 13티어 이상의 지도에 입장할 때, 지도장치에서 심연을 선택하면 가끔 심연의 보스가 뜨는데 클리어하면 된다.

Normal. Most of these boss are kinda easy to find except for Abaxoth kinda hard ... if really out of luck just buy the service from other player who found it.

27. Complete Legion Encounters IV
군단 인카운터 완료하기 IV

Normal. Most of them are pretty common to spawn, so shouldn't be problem to find them all, also try free the chests instead of monster if you having problem with your DPS.

28. Reach Level 90
90레벨 도달하기

Normal. This .... require a decent build to do this, require within a month to reach this level. If bad build that die a lot then .... maybe then need around a month+

29. Open these Unique Strongboxes
고유 금고 사용하기

NameStrongbox TypeContent

Ashes of the Condemned Strongbox Spawn a bunch on rare then slowly spawn a stream of ghosts to possess the rare monster, the more rare monster getting possessed the better the drops from it.
Brinerot Cache Strongbox Drop brinerot theme unique item.
Deshret's Storm Blacksmith's Strongbox Drop weapons from it will be animated and fight against you.
Empyrean Apparatus Cartographer's Strongbox Drop 3 unique maps.
Kaom's Cache Armourer's Strongbox Drop kaom theme unique item, also guarded by 3 unique totems.
Mutewind Cache Strongbox Drop mutewind theme unique item.
Perandus Bank Jeweller's Strongbox Drop 3 unique jeweller's items.
Redblade Cache Strongbox Drop redblade theme unique items.
Renegades Cache Strongbox Drop renegades theme unique items.
Strange Barrel Strongbox Drop poison theme unique items, also guarded by spider variant monsters.
Weylam's War Chest Arcanist's Strongbox Drop a ton of currencies and one pirated theme unique item, also guarded by pirate variant monsters.

Also try to make use of Zana's Mission that asked for opening unique strongboxes. And Haku in fortification division can spawn unique strongboxes too.
맵에서 자나를 만났을 때, 주는 임무 중에 고유 금고를 여는 임무를 선택하다 보면 비교적 쉽게 딸 수 있다.

NOTE: Only player who touch the box can get the challenge, thus 1ppl per box.

Normal. This challenge a bit RNG but only need 7 out of 11 so should be fine, you could ease up this challenge by spamming zana's map device Ambush Mod, or Bountiful Traps/Monstrous_Treasure prophecy.

30. Complete these Encounters V
인카운터 완료하기 V

  • Armala, the Widow - Tier13 Sunken City Map, you'll get cover by web when the spider hatched from the egg that thrown by the boss, try lower the boss life till cull range then start stacking the web on yourself, also try stay away from the fox to avoid it burn ur web that'll fail the challenge. When go enough web on ur character then cull off the boss.
    티어13 물에 잠긴 도시 지도에서 거미줄로 뒤덮임 효과가 5 중첩 이상일 때 과부 아말라 처치하기 - 바닥을 잘 보면 알같은 것이 있고 거미줄로 뒤덮여 있는데, 그 위로 올라가면 디버프가 중첩된다. 5중첩 이상일 때 보스킬.

  • The Cleansing Light - Tier14 Basilica Map, at last phase make sure all 4 statues are moved before kill the boss, to do this you to make the fight last longer a bit to let the boss cast it's statue guard to move.
    티어14 교회당 지도에서 석상이 모두 원래 자리에 없는 상황에 정화의 빛을 처치하기 - 한 번 죽이고 나면 부활한다. 부활 후 마지막 페이즈에서 4개의 석상이 모두 움직이고 난 뒤 킬.

  • Vision of Justice - Tier14 Orchard Map, Offering of Judgement is the skill that shoot out purple projectile to the ground then create Purple chaos degen AOE, that effect last for a while only so is better bring the boss to life to cull range, then wait for it create that skill then stand on it kill the boss to complete this challenge.
    티어14 과수원 지도에서 심판의 제물의 영향을 받는 상태로 정의의 시각을 처치하기 - 보스 패턴 중에 보라색의 장판을 까는 스킬이 있는데, 그 스킬을 사용할 때 장판 위에 있는 상태로 보스 킬. (장판이 두종류인데 빨간 불장판은 아니다.)

  • Woad, Mockery of Man - Tier13 Defiled Cathedral Map, at last phase make sure all 4 statues are moved before kill the boss, to do this you to make the fight last longer a bit to let the boss cast it's statue guard to move.
    14티어 더렵혀진 대성당 지도에서 석상이 모두 원래 자리에 없는 상황 중, 사람의 조롱 오와드를 처치하기. - 전투를 오래끌면 4개의 석상이 차례로 이동하고 그 상태에서 보스킬.

OVERALL: Normal. This challenge is a bit more tricky because of higher tier but still not that hard to pull off these challenge, overall quite straight forward.

31. Complete Timeless Conflict I
끝없는 분쟁 완료하기 I

Is a pretty fun fight, the map have a duration that depending on how many faction you had in the map, probably 1 minutes+ per faction. The timer start as soon as you reach the middle circle(grey) of the map. After you clear the wave, you can restart the fight by going back the middle circle again it'll reset every monster. The goal of this map is kill as much monster the hold treasure(icon above their head) as much as possible so you can stack as many treasure(show bottom of ur screen,above EXP bar) as you can, then when the timer finish you can collect all your bounty near the middle circle.
군단 리그에서 기둥을 터치하고 나오는 몬스터들을 잡으면 각 군단의 파편을 드랍한다. 파편을 100개 모으면 군단의 상징이 되는데, 서로 다른 2개 이상의 군단 상징 아이템을 지도 장치에 넣고 돌리면 '끝없는 분쟁의 영토'로 간다. 군단의 상징 4개를 넣고 열어서 '끝없는 분쟁의 영토'를 완료하고 나면, 4칸이었던 지도 장치가 5칸으로 확장된다. 그럼 5개의 상징을 모두 넣고 완료하면 된다. (각 군단 상징 가격 참고 : 마라케스 >>>> 템플러 >> 바알 > 영원 = 카루이)


GrimRo did a short guide video about the unique map, check out here

Normal. Is a pretty fun fight plus the map is cheap too(for now...) so making 5 faction fight shouldn't be much problem.

32. Complete Maps with Eight Mods
8속성 부여 지도 확보하기

Normal. This is harder than unidentified rare map, to have 8 mods on red maps(T11+), you need to use Vaal Orb to corrupt a map into 8 mods. And again, just ask ppl help you deal with the dangerous map that u crafted, or make a rotation party to farm 8 mods red tier maps will be a bit easier.
11티어 이상의 빨간색 맵에 접두어4개, 접미어4개 총 8개의 모드가 걸린 맵을 클리어한다. 맵에 바알오브를 발랐을 때, 걸리는 효과중에 8모드로 변경되는 것이 있으므로 빨간색 맵에 바알 오브를 바르다 보면 8모드 맵이 뜰 것이다.

Click HERE for 8 modifiers red map search via PoE Official Trading Website

33. Complete Legion Encounters V
군단 인카운터 완료하기 V

Normal. Probably doing this in act zone would make this challenge easier to complete, if still can't then have a buddy with high clear speed to help you with this challenge.
한번에 각 진영을 죽이는 것과, 한번에 양진영 모두를 죽이는 것. ED같은 광역딜이 되는 빌드를 하거나, 저레벨 지역을 이용, 또는 파티플을 해도 된다.

34. Complete Map Tiers (40/40)
지도 등급 완료하기

Hard. They actually bring back Breach League challenges also the same number and condition on how to achieve this, with this recent patch on how they buff the map drops this should be a bit easier now. My best strategy to do this is pick the shortest/fastest map you can clear of for example my favorite map is Strand very straight forward, some ppl may pick Mesa cuz is easier to reach boss ... just pick whatever u like, then Elder upgrade the map, and then uncomplete the other 4 T16 guardian maps so that that map pool for T16 will be force to only drop the map u upgraded, that way you will be easier to sustain the only T16 map u wanted. Thus, the faster ther higher tier map u complete the more faster you complete this challenge.
지도 등급을 10,000점 완료하십시오. 1등급 지도는 1점, 2등급 지도는 2점을 주는 식으로 계산됩니다.

35. Complete Unique Maps
고유 지도 완료하기

Normal. Do 15 out of 19, with the help of The Encroaching Darkness divination card, this challenge will be slightly easier to complete as you keep grinding end game maps collecting this cards. Even your RNG is sux collecting these card, you could buy some of the unique map at here, most of the unique map are quite cheap.

The least 4 favorite unique map I would skip is ... Hall Of Grandmaster(hard), Perandus Manor(very expensive), The Putrid Cloister(expensive), and Doryani's Machinarium(expensive) depending whose the 3rd expensive map is =P
'명인의 전당' 같은 경우에는 PvP로 키운 다른 유저의 캐릭터가 몬스터로 등장하기 때문에 빌드에 따라서는 아예 클리어가 불가능할 수도 있다. '페란두스의 저택', '도리아니의 기계실', '악취 나는 수도원' 맵들은 비싸기 때문에 이 맵들은 클리어하지 않아도 다른 유니크 맵들로 필요 수량을 채울 수 있다.

36. Complete these Encounters VI (40/40)
인카운터 완료하기 VI

  • The Beachhead is part of the harbinger league mechanic which introduced during 3.0.0 expansion. You can get this unique map easily from upgrading map by using Harbinger's Orb which can be obtain from Harbinger monster and syndicate's safehouse. This unique map is easy to do, just kill a bunch of harbinger mob that's it.
    유니크 지도 '교두보(The Beachhead)' 완료

  • Atziri in the Temple of Atzoatl It require Incursion-Throne of Atziri room(Tier3 Speed Room) to spawn in your Temple Atzoatl. The room can be deadly, as the boss also was enhanced by the modifiers the player augmented in their own Template. Also, the area level of the Temple can be as high as 83 (tier of Shaper's Guardians Maps), even higher than Uber Atziri which was fixed at 80. So is better doing this room at lower level map for easier fight, if can't kill then just invite other experience player to help you kill it when u manage to get the room. If you having hard time to it spawn then you might wanna skip this challenge if you're not aiming for 40/40 challenges.
    앗조아틀의 사원에서 앗지리 처치 - 왕실 회의실(1단계) / 군주의 전당(2단계) / 앗지리의 왕자(3단계) 이 방을 3단계까지 업그레이드하면 방에 앗지리가 나온다.

2019/06/02 - [공략 (Game Manual)/패스 오브 엑자일] - 패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 앗조아틀의 사원(Incursion) 공략, 정리


패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 앗조아틀의 사원(Incursion) 공략, 정리

패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 앗조아틀의 사원(The Temple of Atzoatl) 공략, 정리 앗조아틀의 사원은 The Temple of Atzoatl 이고, Incursion은 기습을 뜻하지만 제목이 너무 길어져서 영문은 Incursion으로..


  • The Pale Council It require 4 type of keys that only can get from certain prophecy chain. Could be a little difficult fight, just ask ppl to help you kill and u done with this challenge, just require one try to complete all those 4 boss at ounce.
    창백한 의회 처치 - 연계예언 중에 4가지는 끝까지 클리어하면 열쇠를 주는 것들이 있다. 4가지 열쇠를 원모양으로 지도 장치에 넣으면 창백한 의회로 가는 포탈이 열린다. 멀티 크래프팅을 얻는 장소이기도 하다.

열쇠를 주는 연계예언 4가지
 - 역병 나락 V The Plaguemaw V 

 - 야생의 군주 V The Feral Lord V 
 - 견딜 수 없는 속삭임 V Unbearable Whispers V 
 - 숨 쉬지 않는 여왕 V The Unbreathing Queen V

  • Unlock 60 Veiled Modifiers It require a heavy grind on the syndicate to get as much veiled item to unlock many recipe for this challenge. This challenge could require more RNG as you could get the same veiled mod over and over again thus getting hard to unlock new veiled mod instead. Legion monster now do drop a couple of veiled item to help ease this challenge too.
    장막 속성 부여 잠금 해제

2019/06/20 - [공략 (Game Manual)/패스 오브 엑자일] - 패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 신디케이트(Syndicate) 공략, 정리

OVERALL: Hard, especially for the Atziri spawn in incursion is pretty much RNG challenge.

37. Complete Timeless Conflict II (40/40)
끝없는 분쟁 완료하기 II

This challenge require you to farm more of the league exclusive unique map, Domain of Timeless Conflict. For "10 general revival in one map", you can revive/reset monster after you clear all monster at your current wave by walking towards the middle circle of the arena, also you gonna need 4 or 5 faction fight to be able to achieve this, the more faction you had the more time you can stay in the map thus enough time to revive many general within a singe map run.

Normal. Try form a party with high clear speed to be able to farm more monster within few map.

38. Complete Deadly Encounters
치명적인 인카운터 완료하기

  • Atziri in the Alluring Abyss Normal. This is the uber Atziri, is hard fight. If you're build not that good, just invite other experience player to do it as long you supply them the map entry which is the mortal fragments.(Expensive)
    매혹적인 심연의 앗지리 - 필멸의 슬픔, 필멸의 격노, 필멸의 희망, 필멸의 무지 4개를 지도장치에 원모양으로 맞춰 넣으면 갈 수 있다. 희생 조각 4개를 사용해서 들어가는 앗지리가 드랍하며, 삼보디의 맹세 카드로도 얻을 수 있다. 가격은 비싼편.

  • Breachlord- Hard. Any pure breachstone will have level 80+ domain. In order you get pure breachstone, u need It That Fled from Research Division(syndicate mechanic) get him to rank 3 then it will it's device from his safehouse that can upgrade your breachstone to pure grade. Remember only rank 3 It That Fled, lower than that upgrade breachstone won't have level 80+ domain ... except for Chayula. Also the new Obscured Incubator can also drop Pure Breachstone too.
    80레벨 이상 지역에서의 자신의 영토에 있는 균열 보스 - 조프의 파편, 툴의 파편, 애쉬의 파편, 울네톨의 파편, 차율라의 파편 아무거나 100개를 모으면 균열석(Breachstone)이 된다. 이 것을 지도장치에 넣고 돌리면 저레벨의 균열 보스존이 열린다. 도전과제를 위해서는 순수한 균열석으로 업그레이드해서 들어가야 하는데, 신디케이트의 달아난 그것 랭크3로 연구 부서에 있을 때의 보상이 이 업그레이드이다. (거래소에서 순수한 균열석을 사서 해도 된다.)
    차율라는 노멀도 80레벨이라 그냥 해도 된다.

2019/06/20 - [공략 (Game Manual)/패스 오브 엑자일] - 패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 신디케이트(Syndicate) 공략, 정리


패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 신디케이트(Syndicate) 공략, 정리

패스 오브 엑자일(Path of Exile) 신디케이트(Immortal Syndicate) 공략, 정리 신디케이트는 복잡한만큼 최대한 중요한 부분을 핵심적으로 설명하겠다. 신디케이트는 필드나 맵에서 NPC 준(Jun)을 만나면 진행할..



  • Mastermind Normal. This is the last boss of syndicate hierarchy, you can access the mastermind safehouse after fill the information bar to full from killing captains of each safehouse divisions. It's full fight is all about running around the arena avoid the middle laser beam and the burning arena from 4 edges. Getting a level 84 mastermind shouldn't be a problem as long you keep negotiating syndicate in high tier map, it will also replace ur old pregression if u done some negotiation in the past low tier maps.
    83레벨 이상에서의 지휘자 - 신디케이브 보스

  • [Vaal Temple](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Vaal_Temple_Map_(War_for_the_Atlas)) Normal. Can get this through divination card name Lingering Remnants or vaaling T15 maps above only. Sometimes ZANA may supply Vaal Temple if you encounter her in T15 maps above, if you're lucky though .... The boss inside is pretty hard, not to mention with random add-on mods on top of this map make it more dangerous ... just buy the service if you're build not capable to do it.(Slightly Expensive)
    바알 사원 지도 - '지속되는 유물' 카드로 얻거나 거래소 이용.

Click the link on their name to learn their fights.

OVERALL: Normal, if your build can't kill them then just make the boss spawn then ask experience player to help.

39. Complete Zana's Questline
자나의 퀘스트라인 완료하기

Hard, her whole questline is all about defeating Uber Elder which is the hardest content that PoE(3.2.0) currently ever had. If your build is not top tier then try ask for experience player to help kill it when you can spawn Uber Elder.

To spawn Uber elder, you need to get all memory fragments 1st then defeat shaper for the first time, then start to pull elder influence near any of your tier 16 map, then start complete all 4 t16 map as elder start occupying each of them then end with elder taking over the big-cross at the middle of your atlas, then you can only access uber elder by using shaper's guardian fragment map, yes they same way you access shaper's realm but this time the elder kidnapping shaper into his realm and you need to beat them both at the same time in elder's realm.

40. Complete Endgame Grinds (40/40)
최종 단계 콘텐츠 완료하기

  • Reach Level 100 This is gonna be hardest of the rest challenges. If your build not very end game or dying often ... highly recommended to skip this.

  • Defeat 40 Uber Elder This is the hardest content PoE ever had since 3.2 update aside delve content which we haven't known yet. To spawn uber elder ain't that hard by pulling elder influence to the middle will override the elder spawns to the middle when the condition is met(all T16 maps got elder influenced). Yes it is the hardest fight but you can invite others to help you kill it as long you can make them spawn in ur map.(Slightly Expensive)
    우버 엘더 처치 40회

  • Complete 400 Abysses This a bit grindy but is do-able, is not like is require you to get abyssal depth but instead only abyss completion, 400 should be achievable as long you spam zana's map device Abyss Mod with a cost for 2 chaos orbs when farming maps should be fine.
    심연 완료 400회

  • Cleanse 400 Darkshrines in the Endgame Labyrinth This actually worst than previous challenge, the best you can hope for is wait for a labyrinth layout with 4 darkshine(max) within them then you'll only need to 100 labyrinth to complete this challenge, fewer darkshrine may cost you more to farm it so .... 4 dakrshrine labyrinth is your best BET to clear off this challenge.
    최종 단계 미궁에서 검은 성소 정화 400회 - 입장에 여신의 공물이 필요한 영원의 미궁에 들어가서 정체불명의 검은 성소를 400번 정화한다. 검은 성소는 미궁에 최대 4개까지 있을 수 있고, poblab 사이트에 그날 미궁 길 정보를 보면 D로 표시되어 있다. 보통 막다른 길 벽면에 스위치가 있는데 그걸 동작해서 숨겨진 방으로 들어가면 있는 식이다.

  • Complete 500 Delve Encounters at an area level of 80 or higher in the Azurite Mine Well this sound a lot better than previous depth 600 challenge, this mean any build can achieve this now as long you keep farming delve depth 189 above then eventually you'll reach this number in no time, really love this improvement GGG!
    남동석 광산의 80레벨 이상 지역에서 탐광 인카운터 완료 500회

  • Defeat 200 Factions in the Domain of Timeless Conflict 200 sound like a big grind, for people who really like to farm this then shouldn't be a problem. If the unique map if still remain cheap then is this do-able.
    끝없는 분쟁의 영토에서 진영 처치 200

OVERALL: Hard, do 4 out of 6 of these choices, without a doubt I would skip that Level 100, that's ridiculous grind ... then maybe skip labyrinth by doing other content cuz I know many of yo really hate labyrinth ... I mean only 1% ppl can do labyrinth XD For those who willing to do lab then may wanna skip 200 factions grind instead UNLESS is cheap then you do it and ignoring 1 other league content like delve or abyss that u dislike the most. For those who followed my map grind strategy(force elder map drop only) might have trouble for doing 40 uber elder, you can uber elder grind first then only apply the strategy for that map tier grinding, cuz doing 40 uber elder is faster to complete compare to 1k map tier grind so ... yah, this way you need spend a lot of Cartographer's Seal when you focusing on one first.