공략 (Game Manual)/스팀게임

길티기어 (Guilty Gear) Xrd Revelator 스팀 도전과제

포도라떼 2017. 4. 6. 11:04

길티기어 (Guilty Gear) Xrd Revelator 스팀 도전과제

이 돈이면 더블 버거가 몇 개지?
50만 월드 달러를 소비
World Dollars (commonly abbreviated as "W$" in the game) are the currency used to purchase items found in the game's gallery section. In comparison to Sign, you only need to spend half of the amount (previously 1,000,000). You can obtain W$ in a variety of ways such as: clearing Story Mode (netting you 100,000), completing Episode Mode with each character (3-5k per character, dependent on amount of medals earned: additional bonus for completing the mode with all characters is 20,000) and of course fighting other players and the CPU. I would suggest leaving this trophy to the end, as you will accumulate a lot of W$ from completing the rest of the trophy requirements, mainly the online matches and other game mode related trophies. If you still find yourself short, I recommend running through Episode Mode again as Versus mode and online play do not give you nearly enough W$ in comparison.

Now if you want it out of the way as quickly as possible there is a method to grind it but you will need a turbo controller to do it: Idle Farming Method

By using the above method, you will obtain around 4000 W$ per hour that can easily be obtained when you're sleeping or doing another activity that requires you to be away from your system. (Credits to PS3T user sukwendo for the enhanced grinding method)

초보 낚시꾼
처음으로 낚시를 함
킹 오브 낚시꾼
아이템을 100개 낚음
Fishing is a new feature added in Revelator that allows the player to "fish" for various items that can be unlocked in the gallery, but which item it will be is dependent on RNG. You can fish in the online lobby or offline (will be located in the middle of the room regardless of the mode) by going to "Collection -> Fishing". You will need at least 200 W$ to fish for one item or 2,000 W$ to fish for ten items at once. For King Of Anglers(킹 오브 낚시꾼), you will only need to fish ten times using the "fish for 10 items" option, totalling 20,000 W$ total. You will easily have enough for this after you complete story mode but are free to get this whenever you have the chance.

오늘 얼굴은...
[AVATAR] 아바타 편집
You can edit the appearance of your avatar from the main menu by going to "Collection -> Edit -> Avatar". You will need to have an item to put on your avatar though, which you should have received from fishing. Avatars pieces are not available to be purchased from the gallery as they can only be obtained from fishing.

[EPISODE] 난이도에 상관없이 아무 캐릭터로 클리어 완료
Wanna be Crazy
[EPISODE] 난이도에 상관없이 20명의 캐릭터로 클리어 완료
Episode mode is the standard arcade mode found in most fighting games, in Revelator it functions in the same way. You choose a character and fight through eight opponents to reach the end. In order to unlock this trophy, you must complete event mode with 20 different characters. To make this faster: go to options from the main menu and set the difficulty to "Beginner", the amount of rounds to one and the time limit to "30 seconds". Do keep in mind that the A.I. will automatically become stronger or weaker depending on how well you do and as you progress through. If you don't feel confident that you're going to win a match, don't hesitate to take the life lead and block for the rest of the match. Don't forget that you're also free to use Stylish Mode for this and every other game mode besides Combo and Mission mode.

Note: The DLC characters "Dizzy" and "Raven" may not count towards this trophy so I would stay clear from completing their event mode until this can be confirmed one way or the other.

[M.O.M] 클래스가 하나 올라감
You increase in class by defeating "three star" opponents. These opponents will appear on the character select screen with three stars over their head and will display the words "Wanted" on the "Information" section at the bottom of the character select screen. They will appear randomly as you climb the stages of M.O.M. defeating your opponents. Though it is likely that the more one star and two star opponents you defeat, the higher chance you have of getting a three starred opponent to show up. You must defeat a total of three three starred opponent's in order to increase in class once, thus earning you the trophy.

[M.O.M] LV.50 달성
In M.O.M, your level increases by buying "Score" type items from the M.O.M. shop. Buying one of these items will increase your level by one, since you start at level 20 you will need to buy 30 total "Score" items to receive the trophy. They start out at the small price of 280 medals, but after around level 35 - 40, they turn into 952 medals. To reduce the amount of matches you have to complete, I would suggest always going for the most starred opponents that yield the most possible medals.

Tip: Always try to defeat your opponent before they explode, you will receive more medals when the treasure chest remains intact.

[M.O.M] 최대 콤보 대미지 1000 달성
When you reach different Class levels, you will notice that new items will appear on opponents and in the shop. Look for an item called "Dud?! Bomb". Use this in tandem with the "S Drive" skill against Jam "A2" when you're at Class Level 2 or higher. She is weak versus fire and if the bomb explodes, it will do over 1,000 damage to Jam and nab you the trophy (credit to DarkPriest for the strategy).

[VERSUS] 오프라인에서 친구와 대전
Go into Versus mode from the main menu by going to "Battle -> Arcade -> Versus". Simply connect a second controller to your PS4 and play against yourself and the trophy will unlock.

감정의 종착점
[STORY] 모든 걸 알아냄
The story mode of Revelator lasts a few hours, you can skip through it if you want by setting the story's text to "appear instantly" from the pause menu and pressing (x) to fly through it in about ten minutes. You will have to skip cutscenes by pressing start and confirming the skip. After the final chapter ends (total of 5 chapters) and the credit start rolling, the trophy is yours.

라이선스 획득
[TUTORIAL] 모든 강습 완료
클리어 타임이 너무 빡빡하네
[TUTORIAL] 2회차 이후의 튜토리얼을 규정 시간 이내에 클리어
While playing the tutorial, you will notice a 10 minute timer under Jack-O's health bar. You should have ample time to complete the tutorial within this time frame, simply do so to unlock the trophy. If you aren't comfortable with the tutorial yet, practice with it and return to it later: it will always be available for you to try.

Note: Pausing the game for a set duration of time will make the timer disappear nullifying the trophy. If this has happened, go back to the main menu and try again doing the trophy in one sitting without pausing.

[COMBO] 과제를 100개 클리어
숙련자의 길
[COMBO] 과제를 200개 클리어
콤보 마스터
[COMBO] 과제를 400개 클리어
In Revelator, each character has three tiers of combo challenges: Special Moves (basic inputs), Basic Combos and Advanced Combos. You cannot advance to one before you complete the other. If you have unlocked every character (including Dizzy and Raven), there are a total of 824 problems, 364 of which are just the special moves alone. Meaning you can do all of the special moves for each character first, then complete a handful of Basic Combos for a few characters to meet the 400 problem requirement. How you approach this trophy is dependent on how comfortable you feel with each character. If you like and know a certain character more than another, you may want to complete all of their combos first to make the load a bit more evenly spread out.

반복 학습은 중요해
[MISSION] 과제를 30개 클리어
이제 실전이다!
[MISSION] 과제를 70개 클리어
Missions in Revelator are challenges that task you with specific requirements in order to pass them. For example: "Attack the opponent with far slash before they use their attack. Mission will fail if the opponent hits you or ten seconds elapse before a hit connects". In order to pass a mission, you must perform the desired action correctly at least 3 out of the 5 tries that you will receive. You are free to retry a mission as many times as you want and I would actually encourage you to fail on purpose if you are having trouble with a specific mission. Once you fail a mission three times, the hint that was illegible at the mission's start screen will reveal itself to offer helpful and sometimes key information that you may have not known. In total there are 52 "Universal" missions and 46 "Matchup" missions, making a total of 98 missions. You must pass at least 70 out of the 98 missions in order to receive the trophy.

While there isn't an "easy way" out of learning how to beat some of these challenges, a visual might help you if you are stuck. Here are videos that show you how to complete Missions 1-30 and Matchup Missions 1-4. Videos are courtesy of ReikiKirei: LINK

I will also outline the challenges that I completed for this trophy, as they are the ones that I felt are the easiest or more simple enough to learn quickly.

    Universal Challenges: 1-28, 30, 32-33, 35-37, 40, 42-49, 51
    Matchup Challenges: 1, 3-7, 9, 11-18, 20, 20-29, 37, 39

캐릭터 대책은 중요해
[TRAINING] 20명 이상의 캐릭터를 상대로 특훈
Go to training mode and pick a character to face off against. Immediately leave training mode once the "versus" screen has finished loading and return back to the character select screen choosing a different opponent character and repeat 19 more times for the trophy.

이미지 트레이닝
[REPLAY] 리플레이를 총 5번 시청
In order to access replays, you first must have played online against an opponent (5 times specifically for this trophy). To access your replays, from the main menu go to "Collection -> Replays". Choose five different replays and once you have finished watching your 5th, the trophy is yours.

Note: You can skip most of the replay with (R2) and still receive the trophy.

첫 쇼핑
월드 달러를 써서 처음으로 콘텐츠 구입
You will receive this trophy while working towards How Many Burgers Can I Buy?(이 돈이면 더블 버거가 몇 개지?) so pick any item from the gallery or go fishing in the lobby and the trophy will pop.

[Player Match] 대전 중에 코멘트 기능을 처음으로 이용
While spectating a player match (press (△) near two active arcade cabinets) press the start menu to see an option that allows you to comment on the match. You will know when you've done this correctly when you see your name and message flash in the middle of the screen while the fight is going on. This can be boosted with three people or done by joining a random Player Match room.

감정은... 그건 소중한 거야
처음으로 이모션을 사용
While in the Online Lobby, press (△) to bring up the lobby menu and scroll down to "Emoticons". Use any of the emoticons to unlock the trophy.

빨간 띠
[Ranked Match] 10단으로 승격
In Ranked Match, you are given points based off of how many consecutive wins and medals you earned during the fight. You will obtain this trophy while working towards Fearless so you shouldn't have to go out of your way for it.

[Ranked Match] 첫 승리를 거둠
[Ranked Match] 총 200번의 전투 실시
You can play Ranked Matches by going to the Online Lobby and accessing the pause menu, you will see "Ranked Match" as the fourth result down. You can boost by searching for your partner using the search feature, you two should ideally be near the same rank so that connectivity isn't too much of an issue. Play 200 matches against Ranked Match opponents and the trophy is yours.

누구든 환영
[Player Match] 20명 이상의 캐릭터와 대전
By accessing Player Match from the online lobby, you should invite a boosting partner to your room and work towards the trophy by playing each other as you can't really choose what character another non boosting player will be. Ideally one partner should start from the top of the character select screen while the other starts from the bottom so that by the time you both reach opposite sides, you will both get the trophy.

[Player Match] 방장이 됨
You should have this from doing the Everyone's Welcome, Roleplaying or Emotions Are... Important trophies but If not, then create a Player Match room via the Online Lobby and the trophy will pop.

[Player Match] M.O.M 설정 방에서 3번 대전
While in the Online Lobby, press (△) to go to the lobby menu. Go to player match and scroll down to "Room Type" and press (→) to make it a "M.O.M" room. Play three matches in it with a boosting partner, then you will both get the trophy.

[Player Match] 온라인 트레이닝 플레이
While in the Online Lobby, press (△) to go to the lobby menu. Go to player match and scroll down to "Room Type" and press (→) twice to make it an "Online Training" room. Play one match in it with a boosting partner then you should both have the trophy.

[Player Match] 흉내 음성을 10번 사용
While in a Player Match room, press (L1) and then (△) to bring up the "quick chat" menu. Scroll down to the bottom and press "In Character", select 10 of the quotes and you will earn the trophy.

과거를 봄으로써 미래를 거머쥔다
[Player Match] 총 20번의 전투를 관전
To spectate a match, press (△) near two cabs that have players on them and you will be put you in a query that automatically allows you to watch these players play until you receive the trophy. This can be done by joining random rooms and spectating the players that are playing within them or boosted with three people.

슛~ 볼은 나의 친구
방에서 처음으로 공을 참
When inside of yours or your friend's player match room, you will see a soccer ball in the middle of the room. Press (○) to kick it and unlock the trophy.

스타일리시 타입으로 플레이
At the character select screen in any "versus" mode besides Mission Mode and Combo Mode, after selecting your character choose "Stylish" mode instead of "Technical Mode". After completing the match under this setting, the trophy will unlock.

드라마틱 피날레 발생
A Dramatic Finale is an occurrence when both fighters attack near simultaneously when they barely have any health left. The camera will pan in cinematically on the fighters before the attacks connects, thus confirming you have done it correctly. While you may have obtained this somewhere along the line while working towards the Platinum, if you haven't you can either boost in online mode or by yourself with two controllers in Versus mode. To boost it, simply whittle each other's health down until you're both at the last pixel then try to time a (△) attack together while close to each other to try and trigger it.

이제 좀 합이 맞나?
대전 중에 램리썰과 루시페로의 대화를 들음
In versus mode, pick Ramlethal and press (L2)(default taunt configuration) while in the match to watch a conversation between Ramlethal and her servants. After the conversation is complete (about 15 seconds) the trophy will pop.

중요한 건데...
트레저 헌트로 빼앗은 아이템을 던짐
In versus mode, pick Johnny. While in the match gain 50 tension (running forward will build tension automatically) then use his Overdrive input "623146 (○)" to activate Treasure Hunt. After the attack connects, throw your newly acquired fortune at the opponent with 236 (○). After you do so, the trophy will pop.

주인님, 뒷일을 부탁드립니다...
서번트를 폭파시킴
In versus mode, pick Jack-O. While in the match deploy servants with 22(□)/(x)/(△). Then input 22 (○), press (△) during the move and a countdown timer will signal the explosion of all servants on screen. Once they have exploded, the trophy will unlock.

배틀 오버로드
공격 대미지 합계 10만 달성
You must sustain 100,000 damage across your Ranked matches, this can be grinded during the 300 match step by having one partner lose until they receive the trophy, then switch. If you're curious as to how much damage has been dealt to you already, you can check by going to the main menu and pressing (□) to display your "R-Code". Scroll down to "Results" and the number will be in the eighth line down.

배지 "투쟁의 낙인" 획득
The badge brand of war is earned by causing your opponent to be visually covered in dirt and scratches. Go to Episode Mode and then select Jack-O and use her Overdrive "J.214(△)" repeatedly until the opponent is defeated. Once the match is over, you should have the badge and the trophy. Alternatively this trophy can be boosted with a partner in online mode.

Note: Gain tension by running forward and use only the Overdrive to defeat the opponent. To make sure that they don't attack you too much, set the difficulty to beginner.

성기사 훈장
배지 150개를 획득
Badges are in match conditions that trigger when you complete actions such as defeating an opponent with all of your life bar or with an Overdrive finish. You can earn badges in Episode Mode against the CPU or by boosting online with a partner in Ranked Matches. To see the types of badges and their conditions go to the main menu and press to display your "R-Code". Scroll over to "Badge List" to see how many badges you have earned.

This will probably end up being your most time consuming trophy while earning the platinum, for more information on how to unlock some of the badges, refer to the Badge Guide.

절대 확정 세계
모든 트로피를 획득

2017/04/06 - [공략 (Game Manual)/*기타] - 길티기어 (Guilty Gear) Xrd Revelator 뱃지 가이드 (Badge Guide)

출처 : http://www.playstationtrophies.org/game/guilty-gear-xrd-revelator/guide/