Plague Inc. (전염병 주식회사) 업적(Achievements) 공략

출처 :

UPDATE: CDC tutorial avalible if you have installed v1.6.2 or higher
This is a renewed topic with a full guide to get all Plague Inc. achievements (except CDC one yet) in one post. Enjoy and thank me to my hard work. Credits to all TouchArcade users who helped everybody to get any Plague Inc. Achievement (I also colaborated to discover PfiGlax achievement). Please use Ctrl + F to find the achievement you are looking for...
BONUS:  I uploaded a .txt file to read it offline, have fun :) ---> Click if you dare
전염병의 끝 - 아무런 질병 타입과 아무런 난이도에서 한 게임을 승리하세요.
The End Plague (very easy):
Just win a game if you are new :P

유리병 파괴자 - 파란색 치료 버블을 파괴하여 연구팀 속도를 늦추세요.
Bottle Smasher (very easy):
Try don't kill too fast the people and let a country lead the cure. It's more effective if you play Immune Plague.

당신의 질병을 진화시키세요 - 당신의 질병을 더 강해지도록 진화시키세요.
Evolve your disease (very easy):
Did you win a game doing nothing? Just evolve any transmission, symptom or ability in a game.

바이러스 질병 타입을 해제하세요 - 박테리아를 이용해 보통모드나 어려움 모드에서 승리해 바이러스를 해제하세요.
Unlock Virus disease type (normal):
Win Bacteria on Normal or Brutal. If you can't win, Youtube is your friend.

균 질병 타입을 해제하세요 - 바이러스를 이용해 보통모드나 어려움 모드에서 승리해 바이러스를 해제하세요.
Unlock Fungus disease type (normal):
Win Virus on Normal or Brutal. If you can't win, Youtube is your friend.

기생충 질병 타입을 해제하세요 - 균을 이용해 보통모드나 어려움 모드에서 승리해 바이러스를 해제하세요.
Unlock Parasite disease type (normal):
Win Fungus on Normal or Brutal. If you can't win, Youtube is your friend.

프리온 질병 타입을 해제하세요 - 기생충을 이용해 보통모드나 어려움 모드에서 승리해 바이러스를 해제하세요.
Unlock Prion disease type (normal):
Win Parasite on Normal or Brutal. If you can't win, Youtube is your friend.

나노바이러스 질병 타입을 해제하세요 -프리온을 이용해 보통모드나 어려움 모드에서 승리해 바이러스를 해제하세요.
Unlock Nano-Virus disease type (normal):
Win Prion on Normal or Brutal. If you can't win, Youtube is your friend.

생물무기 질병 타입 - 나노바이러스를 이용해 보통모드나 어려움 모드에서 승리해 바이러스를 해제하세요.
Unlock Bio-Weapon disease type (normal):
Win Nano-Virus on Normal or Brutal. If you can't win, Youtube is your friend.

치트를 해제하세요 - 모든 질병타입으로 어려움모드에서 승리해 치트를 해제하세요.
Unlock Cheats (fairly hard):
Win all Normal diseases on Brutal. I recommend to watch Youtube if you're not an scientist.

러시아 핵 보복 - 미국이 러시아를 핵 공격 하도록 만드세요.
Russian Nuclear Reliation (fairly hard):
I recommend to play on Immune Plague because is longer this guide.
1. Start on any country
2. Evolve Drug 1 & 2 (required) and any transmission or ability to infect them all.
3. Evolve your disease and make it a little lethal (Max. 10%). Less lethal, more chance to get popups.
4. After months you must see a popup saying "USA president taken ill"
5. Then evolve only Insanity symptom and guess what? Spallin was elected instead of the vice president!
6. This is random. As soon as possible Spallin will threat China or Russia. You need to evolve Paralysis symptom.
7. Then Spallin will nuke China or Russia because the army are paralyzed huh?
And you get the achievement. Congrats!

중국 핵 보복 - 미국이 중국을 핵 공격 하도록 만드세요.
Chinese Nuclear Reliation (fairly hard):
I recommend to play on Immune Plague because is longer this guide.

1. Start on any country
2. Evolve Drug 1 & 2 (required) and any transmission or ability to infect 'em all.
3. Evolve your disease and make it a little lethal (Max. 10%). Less lethal, more chance to get popups.
4. After months you must see a popup saying "USA president taken ill"
5. Then evolve only Insanity symptom and guess what? Spallin was elected instead of the vice president!
6. This is random. As soon as possible Spallin will threat China or Russia. You need to evolve Paralysis symptom.
7. Then Spallin will nuke China or Russia because the army are paralyzed huh?
And you get the achievement. Congrats!

우주의 전염병 - 우주비행사들이 그들의 우주미션을 행하기 전에 감염시키세요.
Plague in Space (fairly hard):
I recommend to play on Immune Plague because is longer this guide.

1. Start on USA.
2. As soon as possible evolve Air 1 & 2, Water 1 & 2 and Extreme Bioaerosol.
3. Infect 'em all without symptoms
4. Evolve your disease increasing its severity (Min. 10%) but DON'T evolve lethal symptoms. More severe, more chance to get popups.
5. Soon a popup will appear saying "Gill Bates (creator of Nicrosoft :P) planning space cure mission". Keep evolving only non-lethal symptoms.
6. After months Gill Bates chooses "non-infected" men to the space mission. Make it lethal (Maximum 20% of lethality) and then those "non-infected" men will die because they're always infected!
And you get the achievement. Congrats!
올림픽 스포일러 - 올림픽을 도와 영국이 바이러스화 되도록 하세요.
Olympic Spoiler (easy but random):
Gives chance to infect UK or increase its infection. You might see always the message "London Olympics mystery" but never happens, or yes?
Well, 80% of games always appears that message, but only you have 10% of chance to have other message saying "London Olympics back on!". If you are lucky you just have evolved Drug I and success!
쓰레기 터치스크린 - iCure를 방해하여 치료조사를 돕는것을 막으세요.
Touchscreen Trash (easy but random):
Most happens when the world is developing a cure, specially on Immune Plague happens almost all time.
When iCure is going to release, wait some weeks. And when iCure launches globally, quickly evolve Sweating symptom (or Hyper salivation on Necroa virus) and that product will be a fiasco, sorry Apple.

꿀꿀 - 돼지인플루엔자 콤보를 발견하세요.
Oink oink (easy):
Is Swine Flu combo.
Evolve these symptoms: Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhoea, Coughing, Pneumonia, Sneezing, Insomnia and also Livestock 1 & 2 transmissions.
Effect: Takes longer the cure.

적우 - 대출혈 콤보를 발견하세요. 
Red Rain (easy):
Is Profuse Bleeding combo.
Evolve these symptoms: Haemophelia and Skin Lesions.
Effect: Slightly increases lethality (cannot revert).
오염된 소포 - 수혈을 통해 사람들이 병을 퍼트리도록 하세요.
Contaminated Package (easy):
You need only evolve Blood 1 & 2, Insect 1 & 2 and Extreme Hematophagy transmissions and soon a message should appear about a "Contamined blood" on the nasty country to infect.

롱 샷 - 분출성 구토 콤보를 발견하세요.
Long shot (easy):
Is Projectile Vomiting combo.
Evolve these symptoms: Coughing and Vomiting.
Effect: Slightly increases inefectivity.

뇌뇌뇌뇌뇌뇌뇌뇌뇌뇌뇌 - 워킹데드 콤보를 발견하세요.
Brainzzzz (easy):
Is Walking Dead combo.
Evolve these symptoms: Insomnia and Anaemia.
Effect: Decreases future research speed.
갈색 길 - 대중 배변 콤보를 발견하세요.
Brown Streets (easy):
Is Public Defecation combo.
Evolve these symptoms: Diarrhoea and Insanity.
Effect: Increases inefectivity but increases future research speed.

어 오 - 아이고 증상 콤보를 발견하세요.
Uh Oh (easy):
Is Oops combo.
Evolve these symptoms: Sneezing and Diarrhoea.
Effect: Slightly increases inefectivity and severity and slows future research speed.
직접 통제하세요 - 뇌신경 기생충으로 인류를 노예화시켜 게임에 승리하세요.
Assuming Direct Control (easy):
It's an alternative key to win enslaving the world. To do it, infect all people and evolve the symptom Transcendence.

스토커의 기쁨 - 원자로의 노심융해 야기 
STALKERs delight (easy):
Is required appears a random pop-up saying "New round of nuclear tests considered" and Insanity symptom evolved. It will happen when the world are dying slowly...

또래 압박 - 당신의 질병은 폭동이 정부조사를 강요한 이후에야 발견되었습니다.
Peer Pressure (easy):
To make government investigate your disease before get 50% of world infected evolve only a symptom that increases very short severity (Coughing, Nausea, Rash, Anaemia) and soon angry mob will force investigate a mysterious disease for a simple and very common symptom. Cool huh?

RMS의 경계목록 - RMS 경계목록에서 당신의 질병을 올리세요.
RMS Watch List (automatic):
After time the world detected your disease, don't matter if harmless, severe or mortal (Max. 50% lethality), RMS will always put your disease on the blacklist.
Trivia: Is the only achievement on Game Center with its own icon, pretty cool no?

트로이의 목마 - 트로이의 비행기를 만들어 뇌신경기생충으로 새로운 나라를 감염시키는데 이용하세요.
Trojan Horse (automatic):
In Neurax Worm, even if you didn't evolve anything, when the native country is fully infected there's a high probability to find a Trojan plane icon. Unlike poping bubbles, you need drag-n-drop to infect any country you want.

벌레 먹이 - 인류를 뇌신경기생충으로 근절시켜 게임에 승리하세요.
Worm food (easy):
Win the game exterminating the humanity like any disease. Beware to don't evolve Transcendence symptom or you will enslave instead kill.

미친 속도 - 승리를 향해 미친듯이 전력질주하여 박테리아를 이용해 365일 이내에 게임에 승리하여 세계기록을 세우세요.
Insane Bolt (fairly hard):
End the game as soon as possible with Bacteria under a year. How? Follow this guide (may not work sometimes):
1. Play Bacteria on Casual.
2. Start in Saudi Arabia and devolve any lethal symptom.
3. Evolve Rash, Sweating and Skin Lesions.
4. Evolve transmission in the next order: Water 1, Insect 1, Air 1, Drug Resistance 1, Water 2, Insect 2 and Air 2.
5. Evolve Cold resistance 1 & 2.
6. Evolve Coughing, Sneezing, Nausea and Vomiting symptoms.
7. Wait until 4.5 billion people are infected, don't worry if all the countries are not yet infected
8. Say welcome mutations and evolve lethal symptoms in this order: Necrosis, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Pulmonary Oedema, Pulmonary Fibrosis, Total organ failure, Hemorrahagic Shock and Internal Hemorrhaging.
9. Done. 9 of 10 success, make sure you were fast.

탱크 - 탱크 콤보를 발견하세요.
Tank (easy):
Do Tank combo in Necroa virus.
Evolve: Bone Dysplasia and Anabolic Boost symptoms.
Effect: Increases danger on zombies.

부머(boomer) 콤보 - 부머(boomer) 콤보를 발견하세요.
Boomer (easy):
Do Boomer combo in Necroa virus.
Evolve: Autothysis symptom and Liquefied Organs ability.
Effect: Increases danger on zombies.

침 뱉는 사람 - 침 뱉는 사람 콤보를 발견하세요.
Spitter (easy):
Do Spitter combo in Necroa virus.
Evolve: Naja Mortis and Enhanced Sensorial Perception symptoms.
Effect: Increases danger on zombies.

주자 - 주자 콤보를 발견하세요.
Runner (easy):
Do Runner combo in Necroa virus.
Evolve: Enhanced Motor Control symptom and Engorged Quadriceps ability.
Effect: Increases danger on zombies.

걸어다니는 모순덩어리 증상 콤보 - 걸어다니는 모순덩어리 콤보를 발견하세요.
Walking Contradiction (easy):
Do Walking Contradiction combo in Necroa virus.
Evolve: Photophobia and Cathameral Shift symptoms.
Effect: Decreases danger on zombies.

플래쉬 몹 - 좀비 무리 활성 능력을 성공적으로 사용하였습니다.
Flash Mob (easy):
You need have evolved Cytophatic Reanimation symptom and Horde Instict ability. Then activate the Zombie horde Active Ability and a bubble will appear and drag-n-drop to the target country.

아 윌 비 백(I'll be back) - 좀비 재생 능력을 성공적으로 사용하였습니다.
I'll Be Back (easy):
You need have evolved Cytophatic Reanimation symptom and Reanimation ability. Then activate draging-n-drop the Re-animate Active Ability to the target country.

이거 새야? - 흡혈박쥐 콤보를 발견하세요.
Is it a bird? (easy):
Do Vampire Bat combo in Necroa virus.
Evolve: Vampiric Hunger symptom and Bat 1 & 2 transmissions.
Effect: Increases lethality, increases danger on zombies and increases chance to turn people on zombies.

네 머리를 써라 - 두개골 분산 콤보를 발견하세요.
Use your head (easy):
Do Cranial Dispersion combo in Necroa virus.
Evolve: Cranial Elephantitis symptom and Air 3 transmission.
Effect: Increases danger on zombies.

- 대기 중 혈액 콤보를 발견하세요.
Jaws (easy):
Do Blood in the Air combo in Necroa virus.
Evolve: Delirium and Hyperosmia.
Effect: Increases danger on zombies.
좀비게임 아닌데 - 단 한마리의 좀비 생성 없이 네크로아 바이러스로 게임을 승리하세요.
Not Another Zombie Game (greatly hard):
Also known as NAZG, as the version 1.6.1 there's a guide and you must be fast. Also remember it's randomish (Credits to Botoshel).
Use these genes to start:
- Cytochrome Surge
- Aerocyte
- Creationist
- Xerophile
(Zombie gene not necessary because is NAZG)
1. Start on India.
2. Evolve Saliva 1, Zoonotic Shift and Bat 1.
3. This part is very RANDOM, you must check the news say "Colony of rabid bats triggers town evacuation". If after India is fully infected and you didn't get this notice, restart the game.
3. Devolve Bat 1.
4. Evolve Drug Resistance 1, Genetic Hardening and Gene ReShuffle 1 & 2.
5. Wait when news appear saying "WHO starts Rabies Eradication Initiative" and "Film about Rabies epidemic becomes global hit". If not, restart the game.
6. Evolve Gastrointestinal Expansion and Cold Resistance 1 & 2.
7. Wait until the world is fully infected without being detected.
8. Evolve the symptoms Insomia, Fever, Photophobia, Coma, Acute Encephalitis and Hyper Salivation.
9. Wait until a popup says "Is a form of Rabies"
10. Devolve Zoonotic Shift. Then the cure will be stopped because no link to rabies.
11. Kill the world!
Congrats! You have beaten the most hardass achievement!
영예로운 죽음 - 네크로아 바이러스로 게임에 승리하세요.
The Glorious Dead (normal):
Win the game eating Crazy Dave's brain and plants. Misunderstood? I mean win game with Necroa Virus. Remember try to destroy Z-Com as fast you can, but if we talk about Greenland or Iceland... Zombie horde :D
맛있다 - 목욕 시간 콤보를 발견하세요.
Tasty (easy):
Do Bath Time combo in Necroa virus.
Evolve: Polyphagia, Autophagia and Cannibalism symptoms.
Effect: Increases inefectivity and severity.
살충제 불필요 - 벌레 물림을 피하세요.
Who needs DEET (easy but random):
In Necroa Virus when you are in Zombie mode, sometimes appears a pop-up saying "Insect populatin boom". This increases zombie decay rate, but, if you evolve Insect transmission, Zombies will repel insects and zombie decay rate backs to normality and you win the achievement.
가망이 없는 사람 - DarkWater의 네크로아 바이러스 분석을 멈추세요.
Non Starter (hard):
This achievement is only avalible on Necroa Virus and must follow all steps. If you fail at least one, you must try again.
Recommended genes:
- Cytochrome Surge
- Aerocyte
- Spliced Activation or ThermoNecro
- Base Oxidisation
- Hydrophile
1. Start Necroa Virus on Casual.
2. Start on USA.
3. Evolve fast Saliva 1 and Drug Resistance 1 under 60 days.
4. DarkWater pop-up must appear. If not, try again.
5. Do nothing and save DNA. If a symptom mutates, only devolve (Max. 2) if a few countries are infected.
6. After symptom mutation wait and when 60% cure is complete, evolve Insomnia, Fever, Photophobia, Delirium and Cytophatic Reanimation.
7. DON'T evolve anything! Except Zombie abilities if some countries aren't infected or having Z-Com troubles.
8. Wait until a pop-up appears: "DarkWater created Necroa Virus"
Now remember what you must do. If you fail, restart the game.
- Avoid USA Zombie population gets over 5 million, if happens, use Zombie Horde (you need Horde Pheromones evolved) to move them.
- Avoid get the message "Authorities can't protect from USA"
- Have minimum 30 DNA saved for the next steps.
9. After pop-up, evolve Segmented Genome to prevent Darkwater analyze Necroa Virus.
10. If a message appears "Darkwater fail to analyse Necroa Virus", you win the achievement and don't worry if you lose or quit the game.

막다른 길 - DarkWater가 네크로아 바이러스의 약점을 찾아내는것을 막으세요.
Dead End (hard):
This achievement is only avalible on Necroa Virus and must follow all steps. If you fail at least one, you must try again.
Recommended genes:
- Cytochrome Surge
- Aerocyte
- Spliced Activation or ThermoNecro
- Base Oxidisation
- Hydrophile
1. Start Necroa Virus on Casual.
2. Start on USA.
3. Evolve fast Saliva 1 and Drug Resistance 1 under 60 days.
4. DarkWater pop-up must appear. If not, try again.
5. Do nothing and save DNA. If a symptom mutates, only devolve (Max. 2) if a few countries are infected.
6. After symptom mutation wait and when 60% cure is complete, evolve Insomnia, Fever, Photophobia, Delirium and Cytophatic Reanimation.
7. DON'T evolve anything! Except Zombie abilities if some countries aren't infected or having Z-Com troubles.
8. Wait until a pop-up appears: "DarkWater created Necroa Virus"
Now remember what you must do. If you fail, restart the game.
- Avoid USA Zombie population gets over 5 million, if happens, use Zombie Horde (you need Horde Pheromones evolved) to move them.
- Avoid get the message "Authorities can't protect from USA"
- Have minimum 30 DNA saved for the next steps.
9. Wait until another pop-up appears and let DarkWater analyzes Necroa Virus.
10. If DarkWater success analysis, evolve Genetic Hardening to prevent DarkWater find a weakness.
11. If a message appears "Darkwater fail to find Necroa Virus weakness", you win the achievement and don't worry if you lose or quit the game.

빅뱅 - DarkWater 연구팀을 죽이세요.
Big Bang (harder):
This achievement is only avalible on Necroa Virus and must follow all steps. If you fail at least one, you must try again.
Recommended genes:
- Cytochrome Surge
- Aerocyte
- Spliced Activation or ThermoNecro
- Base Oxidisation
- Hydrophile
1. Start Necroa Virus on Casual.
2. Start on USA.
3. Evolve fast Saliva 1 and Drug Resistance 1 under 60 days.
4. DarkWater pop-up must appear. If not, try again.
5. Do nothing and save DNA. If a symptom mutates, only devolve (Max. 2) if a few countries are infected.
6. After symptom mutation wait and when 60% cure is complete, evolve Insomnia, Fever, Photophobia, Delirium and Cytophatic Reanimation.
7. DON'T evolve anything! Except Zombie abilities if some countries aren't infected or having Z-Com troubles.
8. Wait until a pop-up appears: "DarkWater created Necroa Virus"
Now remember what you must do. If you fail, restart the game.
- Avoid USA Zombie population gets over 5 million, if happens, use Zombie Horde (you need Horde Pheromones evolved) to move them.
- Avoid get the message "Authorities can't protect from USA"
- Have minimum 70 DNA saved for the next steps.
9. Wait until another pop-up appears and let DarkWater analyzes Necroa Virus.
10. Wait for other pop-up and let DarkWater find a weakness.
11. If DarkWater found a weakness, evolve Anaerobic Resuscitation, Enhanced Motor Control, Peptide Surge, Acidic Refulx, Naja Mortis and Autothysis symptoms to kill DarkWater and avoid Z-REST developing.
12. If a message appears "Darkwater's Z-REST device a failure", you win the achievement and don't worry if you lose or quit the game.

점점 추워진다 - 이집트 DNA 실험을 속이세요.
Getting Colder (hard):
This achievement is only avalible on Necroa Virus and must follow all steps. If you fail at least one, you must try again.
Recommended genes:
- Cytochrome Surge
- Aerocyte
- Spliced Activation or ThermoNecro
- Base Oxidisation
- Hydrophile
1. Start Necroa Virus on Casual.
2. Start on Egypt.
3. Evolve fast Saliva 1 and Hot Resistance 1 under 60 days.
4. Giza pop-up must appear. If not, try again.
5. Do nothing and save DNA. If a symptom mutates, only devolve (Max. 2) if a few countries are infected.
6. After symptom mutation wait and when 60% cure is complete, evolve Insomnia, Fever, Photophobia, Delirium and Cytophatic Reanimation.
7. DON'T evolve anything! Except Zombie abilities if some countries aren't infected or having Z-Com troubles.
8. Wait until a pop-up appears: "Necroa Virus mayhave come from Pyramid of Giza"
Now remember what you must do. If you fail, restart the game.
- Avoid Egypt Zombie population gets over 4 million, if happens, use Zombie Horde (you need Horde Pheromones evolved) to move them.
- Avoid get the message "Authorities can't protect from Egypt"
- Have minimum 40 DNA saved for the next steps.
9. After the pop-up, devolve Hot 1 and evolve Cold 1 & 2 to disprove Giza link.
10. If a message appears "Necroa Virus disproves Giza link", you win the achievement and don't worry if you lose or quit the game.

함정이다! - 기자 탐험대를 파괴시키세요.
It's a Trap! (hard):
This achievement is only avalible on Necroa Virus and must follow all steps. If you fail at least one, you must try again.
Recommended genes:
- Cytochrome Surge
- Aerocyte
- Spliced Activation or ThermoNecro
- Base Oxidisation
- Hydrophile
1. Start Necroa Virus on Casual.
2. Start on Egypt.
3. Evolve fast Saliva 1 and Hot Resistance 1 under 60 days.
4. Giza pop-up must appear. If not, try again.
5. Do nothing and save DNA. If a symptom mutates, only devolve (Max. 2) if a few countries are infected.
6. After symptom mutation wait and when 60% cure is complete, evolve Insomnia, Fever, Photophobia, Delirium and Cytophatic Reanimation.
7. DON'T evolve anything! Except Zombie abilities if some countries aren't infected or having Z-Com troubles.
8. Wait until a pop-up appears: "Necroa Virus may have come from Pyramid of Giza"
Now remember what you must do. If you fail, restart the game.
- Avoid Egypt Zombie population gets over 4 million, if happens, use Zombie Horde (you need Horde Pheromones evolved) to move them.
- Avoid get the message "Authorities can't protect from Egypt"
- Have minimum 50 DNA saved for the next steps.
9. Wait for other pop-up and let archeologists discover Giza link to Necroa Virus.
10. If there's link to Giza, evolve Cold Resistance 1 and Mummification ability.
11. If a message appears "Giza Pyramid expedition a failure", you win the achievement and don't worry if you lose or quit the game.

오시리스의 복수 - 파라오의 자식이 틀렸음을 입증하세요.
Revenge of Osiris (harder):
This achievement is only avalible on Necroa Virus and must follow all steps. If you fail at least one, you must try again.
Recommended genes:
- Cytochrome Surge
- Aerocyte
- Spliced Activation or ThermoNecro
- Base Oxidisation
- Hydrophile
1. Start Necroa Virus on Casual.
2. Start on Egypt.
3. Evolve fast Saliva 1 and Hot Resistance 1 under 60 days.
4. Giza pop-up must appear. If not, try again.
5. Do nothing and save DNA. If a symptom mutates, only devolve (Max. 2) if a few countries are infected.
6. After symptom mutation wait and when 60% cure is complete, evolve Insomnia, Fever, Photophobia, Delirium and Cytophatic Reanimation.
7. DON'T evolve anything! Except Zombie abilities if some countries aren't infected or having Z-Com troubles.
8. Wait until a pop-up appears: "Necroa Virus may have come from Pyramid of Giza"
Now remember what you must do. If you fail, restart the game.
- Avoid Egypt Zombie population gets over 4 million, if happens, use Zombie Horde (you need Horde Pheromones evolved) to move them.
- Avoid get the message "Authorities can't protect from Egypt"
- Have minimum 60 DNA saved for the next steps.
9. Ignore the pop-up to get Giza link.
10. Ignore the other pop-up to let archeologists investigate the pyramid.
11. After expedition, evolve Anaerobic Resuscitation, Enhanced Motor Control, Peptide Surge, Dermal Calcification and Cranial Elephantitis symptoms to kill all soldiers.
12. If a message appears "Giza findings cause major military loss", you win the achievement and don't worry if you lose or quit the game.

숨바꼭질 - 체르노빌 출입 금지 구역과의 연계를 막으세요.
Hide and Seek (hard):
This achievement is only avalible on Necroa Virus and must follow all steps. If you fail at least one, you must try again.
Recommended genes:
- Cytochrome Surge
- Aerocyte
- Spliced Activation or ThermoNecro
- Base Oxidisation
- Xerophile
1. Start Necroa Virus on Casual.
2. Start on Ukranie.
3. Evolve fast Saliva 1 and Zoonotic Shift under 60 days.
4. Chernobyl pop-up must appear. If not, try again.
5. Do nothing and save DNA. If a symptom mutates, only devolve (Max. 2) if a few countries are infected.
6. After symptom mutation wait and when 60% cure is complete, evolve Insomnia, Fever, Photophobia, Delirium and Cytophatic Reanimation.
7. DON'T evolve anything! Except Zombie abilities if some countries aren't infected or having Z-Com troubles.
8. Wait until a pop-up appears: "Necroa Virus 'originated in Chernobyl'"
Now remember what you must do. If you fail, restart the game.
- Avoid Ukranie Zombie population gets over 3 million, if happens, use Zombie Horde (you need Horde Pheromones evolved) to move them.
- Avoid get the message "Authorities can't protect from Ukranie"
- Have minimum 30 DNA saved for the next steps.
9. After the pop-up, devolve Zoonotic Shift to stop animal infection.
10. If a message appears "Chernobyl animals not infected with Necroa Virus", you win the achievement and don't worry if you lose or quit the game.

이걸 실험해보라고! - 체르노빌 연구가 연기되도록 만드세요.
Test this! (hard):
This achievement is only avalible on Necroa Virus and must follow all steps. If you fail at least one, you must try again.
Recommended genes:
- Cytochrome Surge
- Aerocyte
- Spliced Activation or ThermoNecro
- Base Oxidisation
- Xerophile
1. Start Necroa Virus on Casual.
2. Start on Ukranie.
3. Evolve fast Saliva 1 and Zoonotic Shift under 60 days.
4. Chernobyl pop-up must appear. If not, try again.
5. Do nothing and save DNA. If a symptom mutates, only devolve (Max. 2) if a few countries are infected.
6. After symptom mutation wait and when 60% cure is complete, evolve Insomnia, Fever, Photophobia, Delirium and Cytophatic Reanimation.
7. DON'T evolve anything! Except Zombie abilities if some countries aren't infected or having Z-Com troubles.
8. Wait until a pop-up appears: "Necroa Virus 'originated in Chernobyl'"
Now remember what you must do. If you fail, restart the game.
- Avoid Ukranie Zombie population gets over 3 million, if happens, use Zombie Horde (you need Horde Pheromones evolved) to move them.
- Avoid get the message "Authorities can't protect from Ukranie"
- Have minimum 50 DNA saved for the next steps.
9. After the pop-up, let Chernobyl capture infected animals.
10. After another pop-up, evolve Bat 2, Rodent 2 or Bird 2 transmissions to avoid animal tests. I recommend evolve Rodent 2 if you are low on DNA.
11. If a message appears "Tests on Chernobyl animals fail", you win the achievement and don't worry if you lose or quit the game.

깊게 숨 쉬기 - 체르노빌 연구 팀을 감염 시키세요.
Breathe Deep (harder):
This achievement is only avalible on Necroa Virus and must follow all steps. If you fail at least one, you must try again.
Recommended genes:
- Cytochrome Surge
- Aerocyte
- Spliced Activation or ThermoNecro
- Base Oxidisation
- Xerophile
1. Start Necroa Virus on Casual.
2. Start on Ukranie.
3. Evolve fast Saliva 1 and Zoonotic Shift under 60 days.
4. Chernobyl pop-up must appear. If not, try again.
5. Do nothing and save DNA. If a symptom mutates, only devolve (Max. 2) if a few countries are infected.
6. After symptom mutation wait and when 60% cure is complete, evolve Insomnia, Fever, Photophobia, Delirium and Cytophatic Reanimation.
7. DON'T evolve anything! Except Zombie abilities if some countries aren't infected or having Z-Com troubles.
8. Wait until a pop-up appears: "Necroa Virus 'originated in Chernobyl'"
Now remember what you must do. If you fail, restart the game.
- Avoid Ukranie Zombie population gets over 3 million, if happens, use Zombie Horde (you need Horde Pheromones evolved) to move them.
- Avoid get the message "Authorities can't protect from Ukranie"
- Have minimum 60 DNA saved for the next steps.
9. After the pop-up, ignore it and let special forces capture animals.
10. After other pop-up, ignore again to animal tests success.
11. After other pop-up, don't ignore it and evolve Air 3 from Blood 1 & 2 and Air 1 & 2 transmissions to infect Chernobyl team.
12. If a message appears "Chernobyl animal autopsy compromises lab", you win the achievement and don't worry if you lose or quit the game.

실사 - PfiGlax가 시체바이러스와의 연관성을 찾는 것을 방해하라.
Due Diligence (hard):
This achievement is only avalible on Necroa Virus and must follow all steps. If you fail at least one, you must try again.
Recommended genes:
- ATP Boost
- Aerocyte
- Spliced Activation or ThermoNecro
- Base Oxidisation
- Xerophile
1. Start Necroa Virus on Casual.
2. Start on UK.
3. Evolve fast Saliva 1 and Segmented Genome under 60 days (I discovered this :D).
4. PfiGlax pop-up must appear. If not, try again.
5. Do nothing and save DNA. If a symptom mutates, only devolve (Max. 2) if a few countries are infected.
6. After symptom mutation wait and when 60% cure is complete, evolve Insomnia, Fever, Photophobia, Delirium and Cytophatic Reanimation.
7. DON'T evolve anything! Except Zombie abilities if some countries aren't infected or having Z-Com troubles.
8. Wait until a pop-up appears: "PfiGlax linked to Necroa Virus"
Now remember what you must do. If you fail, restart the game.
- Avoid UK Zombie population gets over 4 million, if happens, use Zombie Horde (you need Horde Pheromones evolved) to move them.
- Avoid get the message "Authorities can't protect from UK"
- Have minimum 40 DNA saved for the next steps.
9. When got pop-up, evolve Genetic ReShuffle 1 & 2 to have no relation with AIDS cure.
10. If a message appears "No PfiGlax link to Necroa Virus", you win the achievement and don't worry if you lose or quit the game.

바나나 껍질 - PfiGlax가 시체바이러스를 변형하는 것을 방해하라.
Banana Skin (hard):
This achievement is only avalible on Necroa Virus and must follow all steps. If you fail at least one, you must try again.
Recommended genes:
- ATP Boost
- Aerocyte
- Spliced Activation or ThermoNecro
- Base Oxidisation
- Xerophile
1. Start Necroa Virus on Casual.
2. Start on UK.
3. Evolve fast Saliva 1 and Segmented Genome under 60 days (I discovered this :D).
4. PfiGlax pop-up must appear. If not, try again.
5. Do nothing and save DNA. If a symptom mutates, only devolve (Max. 2) if a few countries are infected.
6. After symptom mutation wait and when 60% cure is complete, evolve Insomnia, Fever, Photophobia, Delirium and Cytophatic Reanimation.
7. DON'T evolve anything! Except Zombie abilities if some countries aren't infected or having Z-Com troubles.
8. Wait until a pop-up appears: "PfiGlax linked to Necroa Virus"
Now remember what you must do. If you fail, restart the game.
- Avoid UK Zombie population gets over 4 million, if happens, use Zombie Horde (you need Horde Pheromones evolved) to move them.
- Avoid get the message "Authorities can't protect from UK"
- Have minimum 60 DNA saved for the next steps.
9. Ignore the pop-up to have link to AIDS cure.
10. After get other pop-up, evolve Autolytic Delay, Putrefactive Resistance and Liquefactive Resistance abilities to avoid genetic modifications to Necroa Virus.
11. If a message appears "PfiGlax fails to manipulate Necroa Virus", you win the achievement and don't worry if you lose or quit the game.
나한테 묻지마 - PfiGlax의 프로젝트가 실패하도록 만드시오.
Don't Ask Me (harder):
This achievement is only avalible on Necroa Virus and must follow all steps. If you fail at least one, you must try again.
Recommended genes:
- ATP Boost
- Aerocyte
- Spliced Activation or ThermoNecro
- Base Oxidisation
- Xerophile
1. Start Necroa Virus on Casual.
2. Start on UK.
3. Evolve fast Saliva 1 and Segmented Genome under 60 days (I discovered this :D).
4. PfiGlax pop-up must appear. If not, try again.
5. Do nothing and save DNA. If a symptom mutates, only devolve (Max. 2) if a few countries are infected.
6. After symptom mutation wait and when 60% cure is complete, evolve Insomnia, Fever, Photophobia, Delirium and Cytophatic Reanimation.
7. DON'T evolve anything! Except Zombie abilities if some countries aren't infected or having Z-Com troubles.
8. Wait until a pop-up appears: "PfiGlax linked to Necroa Virus"
Now remember what you must do. If you fail, restart the game.
- Avoid UK Zombie population gets over 4 million, if happens, use Zombie Horde (you need Horde Pheromones evolved) to move them.
- Avoid get the message "Authorities can't protect from UK"
- Have minimum 50 DNA saved for the next steps.
9. Don't do anything after pop-up and let PfiGlax find link to AIDS cure.
10. After another pop-up, ignore it to let PfiGlax start genetic modification project.
11. When got other pop-up, evolve Hot 1, Cold 1 and Mummification abilities to sabotage PfiGlax project and prevent increasing zombie decay rate.
12. If a message appears "PfiGlax modification project fails", you win the achievement and don't worry if you lose or quit the game.

환자 누구? - CDC가 제로 환자를 찾는 것을 방해하시오.
Patient Who? (fairly hard):
I recommend to play on Immune Plague because is long. Also you can try with Unlimited Plague if you want it fast though is risky ;)
Requires installed v1.6.2 due to previous versions were impossible to get.

1. Start on any country.
2. Add transmissions and abilities if you want to spread the world fast.
3. Evolve Diarrhoea and many non-lethal symptoms as you can.
4. Infect all people on the world. Then very soon you'll get the CDC report.
5. Be patient while you still popping bubbles and devolving lethal symptoms for another CDC report.
6. Then if CDC are near to find Patient Zero evolve some lethal symptoms (Max. 15%). I suggest Hemorrhagic shock is enough.
7. When CDC fails. It means you get the achievement!

Enemy Undead - Z com 요새를 파괴하세요.

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